Weekly Waffle #280

The January mojo is still flowing and I’ve had a good week of hobby. Not put a massive amount of time in but I think I’ve made good use of the time I’ve had. This won’t work for everyone but what I’ve been doing is when the misses wants to watch one of her programs on TV I say I’ll get out of her way and go and do some hobby. Which means that I’m giving myself lots of mini deadlines and being very focused and I’m getting things done. Not very quickly but I’m getting them done which I’m enjoying because I can see some progress with each session. Whereas before I’ve tended to wander a lot and not get things done so this new approach seems to be working, at least it is at the moment.

I’m still enjoying my painting at the moment and in that vein I’ve been sticking with the Nuts Planet miniatures except this time I’ve drop down to the 1/35 scale series. As I’ve mentioned before I’ve got three of these to pick from and what I’ve consciously decided to do is to work on them one at a time. So first up is Devastator Victor, a flame thrower wielding post-apocalyptic type of character. He’s wearing civilian clothing with a few bits of military webbing along with what I’m taking to be riot gear in the form of elbow and shin pads. There are lots of details on these models and the pose makes him look like he is ready for action, without being forced.

A lot of the heavy lifting for this project was done by Nuts Planet themselves and by that I mean that on their website they have a painted version of this mini, well actually it’s the 1/24 scale version, but you get what I mean. So that gave me a really good starting point for how to paint it. I’ve not been religious in following their version but it has been my guide, which has meant I have been able to concentrate on actually painting the mini and not pondering the colour scheme. For the most part it is a copy of the Nuts Planet version. His jacket is a bit more blue / grey than the original black, which was conscious chose because I thought it would be easier to paint. Other than that it follows the way they have painted it up. The larger scale version comes on a display base so this one is based very differently and just uses a Micro Arts Studio base, but I think it fits the model really well.

But that’s enough of me waffling on so let’s see what you guys think of it.

That now makes two projects started and finished this year which I’m classing as a really good start. Especially considering that fact that I’ve really enjoyed painting these up and the earlier enthusiasm hasn’t wavered yet. I’m sure it will at some point but I’ve been looking through my pile of shame this week and I’ve found a few other things that I can add to the list for painting this year that I’m hoping will keep me ticking over. More on that in a future update because I’ve already laid out the next few projects and I’m sticking with that plan for the moment. Which means next up is going to be another Nuts Planet 1/35 scale Tiger model in form of ‘Clever Hunter’. This one is a very static model but still has a lot of character. A figure just standing there, rucksack over one arm and a hip flask in hand, pondering what to do next. Anyway I’ll save some of that for next week but that is what I’m going to be working on for the next update.

In other news the new Dystopian Wars has been up for pre-order on the Wayland Games web site, although at the time of writing this is currently only giving the option to ‘add to wish list’. I couldn’t find a release date and I have to say I’m in two minds about whether or not to order this. I am or was massive fan of the first version and I really want to like this one. The pictures on the site look ok but I would really like to see some more detailed views of the miniatures before I commit. So watch this space and see what happens and if any of you see any good shots of the new minis on line please let me know.

That’s it for this week, another project completed and another about to start to things are looking good. Hobby aside remember to keep safe out in the real world and just as importantly look out for each other, whether that’s on-line or out there in the big wide world. It’s early in the year and it’s easy to have a lots of optimism but if we can all do something nice for someone else each day then we won’t need to hope for a better year, we will make it a better year. Anyway that’s enough of me being all preachy, have a good one and I hope to catch you all again next week.

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