Adeptus Titanicus

The Collegia Titanica (also called the Adeptus Titanic) is the section of the Adeptus Mechanicus  that includes the Imperial Titans,  the colossal god-machines. The Collegia is also known as the “Adeptus Titanicus” (a contraction of “Adeptus Mechanicus Collegia Titanica”).

The Collegia Titanica (also called the Adeptus Titanic) was formed before the Age of the Imperium, during the Age of Strife.  It is thought that the first Titans were created during a terrible war on Mars against a debased caste of cabalistic heretics dubbed the Cy-Carnivora. Vast swathes of the Red Planet had fallen to the Cy-Carnivora Mekwrights, and it took the creation of Three Titan Orders to annihilate them. After defeating the Cy-Carnivora and other horrors of Old Night from the Red Planet, the Titan Legions became guardians of various Forges. It was during this time that they grew and took on their own unique characteristics and traits