Weekly Waffle #279

I’m being a good hobbyist this week and I’m bringing you my first finished project of the year.  Yes, that’s right I’ve actually started and finished a project without being side tracked by something new and shiny. I know it’s only the project of the year and the odds of keeping this up all year are next to zero, but I’m going to take all the wins I can get this year and be proud of them.

Now then do I think that everything is perfect with the mini and there is no room for improvement. Absolutely not. There are lots of bits that I think I could have done better now and there are even more areas where I know I need to improve. But having said that I am very happy with how it has turned out and would be happy to show it off to anyone who wants to look at it. And that for me is one of the key things I’m trying to get out of my hobby time this year. Not trying to be perfect in everything I do but trying to be proud and happy with everything I do. With the idea being that the more I do the better I will become. I really do think that it is that approach that has resulted in the mini below, not over thinking things and just getting stuck in has been great fun and has left me ready to get started on the next project. But before I talk about that let’s have a closer look at Silencer Bane.

I love the look of the model with that slightly sci-fi look to it with the exoskeleton on what is otherwise just a modern figure. It gives me the feel of some type of private military contractor in the near future. There is enough about it to make it look nearly normal but then just that bit takes it to another level. With regards to the painting I didn’t want to try anything too fancy for the first project of the year. I did consider trying multi cam but didn’t feel up to it and decided to go for the easier option of tan and green. I like how it works and by going with a red for his mid layer, under the green jacket, I think it makes him look a little but less military as it’s not a proper uniform. Throw in a little bit of blue for the pipe work on the exoskeleton for a bit more interest and I think it all works quite well.

I’ve taken lots of pictures and made lots of note so I will be doing a Painting Guide for this guy but I think it will be a couple of weeks before it’s ready. As I really want to try and do one a month what I might actually do is to get it ready and then look to schedule it to be published at the beginning of February. Then publish future ones at the start of each month. It’s a plan and I will see how it goes, but having said that if I find myself on a bit of a roll at any time during the year it won’t stop me from publishing more if have them. I just want to set myself an achievable challenge and go from there.

So that’s one project down and lots more to go. As things stand at the moment in no particular order I have three more Nuts Planet miniatures, all in the 1/35 (about 32mm) Tiger series, essentially smaller version of Silencer Bane. Although he isn’t available at this scale yet. I also have a few GW models in the form of a squad of Sisters of Silence, a couple of Black Stone Fortress minis and a Primaries Marine.  So lots to be going at and quite a bit of variation in there. The first of these though is going to be Devastator Victor which is one of the Nuts Planet minis, because what’s not to like about a guy with flame thrower.

That’s it for this week and I will have some progress on Devastator Victor for you next week. Until then keep safe, enjoy your hobby time whatever you are doing and I’ll look forward to checking in with you all again next week.

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