Weekly Waffle #208
This week has been something of a mixed bag for me in that I’ve not got a lot of work done on the Kill Team, and by not a lot I think I’ve only done one piece of highlighting on… Continue reading
This week has been something of a mixed bag for me in that I’ve not got a lot of work done on the Kill Team, and by not a lot I think I’ve only done one piece of highlighting on… Continue reading
Well then it’s nearly time for the big fat man to come climbing down the chimney and if you are really lucky it may actually be Santa with a sack full of presents. I’m just hoping that with our change… Continue reading
I’m going to kick off this week with something that’s been missing for the last few weeks and that is a gaming update. You heard it I actually managed to get some gaming in this week. Well it was actually… Continue reading
Well the mojo has continued to flow this week and I have a bit more of a productive update for you rather than just dabbling about and trying something new. It’s one of those things were once you get into… Continue reading
I’m going to start this week with an apology for not turning up last week. No real excuse I’d just had a really unproductive week and had nothing to put in an update. That and the fact that we all… Continue reading
I was hoping to have a bit of bumper update for you this week but the truth is I’ve been really lazy all week and not done a lot of painting. Done a lot of lounging around and reading but… Continue reading
It’s been a really weird week for me this week. I’ve had a couple of weeks off work which whilst really nice at the time made this week chaos. Lots to catch up on and then my boss was off… Continue reading
Not a big update for you this week as I’ve been really lazy and done next to nothing all week. I’ve sat on the settee reading and generally just chilling out. I didn’t even move for game night but I… Continue reading
It’s been a very slow hobby week this week and by slow what I really mean is that I haven’t picked up a paint brush at all. I know I was supposed to get my Genestealer cult completed but they… Continue reading
No game night this week as Al wasn’t available so that was an extra night of hobby time. That hobby time for this week has mainly been spend working on my Kill Team seeing as I only have one more… Continue reading