Weekly Waffle #309

Weekly Waffle #309

28th January 2023

I’ve learned my lesson from last week and instead of trying to do a single large update just before it’s due to be published I’ve been updating this post after each writing sessions. So hopefully this update will be on time this week although I still have an issue with the automatic Twitter update. For some reason it’s stopped including the url to the post and I have no idea why and more importantly I don’t know how to fix it yet. But I’m working on it.

Anyway enough of the technical issues and on to the fun stuff. I’d made sure Northern Rail couldn’t spoil game night for me this week but unfortunately Al had to cancel so I’m still waiting to get my first gaming fix of the year. But it did give me a little bit of extra hobby time. The boss likes to catch up on the TV I spoil when I’m out gaming so instead of messing up her TV night I took myself off to do some hobby.

My plan at the end of last week had been to build and paint both the Enlightened and the Commonwealth fleets from the Hunt for Prometheus box set together. However once I started to build them I was loosing a bit of mojo so I’ve switched my expectations and decided to build and paint the Enlightened first. Mainly because they were the easiest to build. Then I’ll paint these up and do the Commonwealth fleet once they are finished as a separate project. Although I may throw in a little bit of Carnivale in between to break things up a little bit.

A complete waffle here as an interlude. I’ve been back on the road for work and have sent a couple of days in sunny Newcastle. Now this is a city I know well so I planned to make the most of it with a trip to Longhorns for some legendary BBQ. Unfortunately Longhorns didn’t survive the Covid so I had to change my plans. Not to be defeated I headed to the Town Wall which I think is a really good pub that does great food. So I got there on a Wednesday evening and it was packed with not a table in site which just meant I had to sit at the bar like a hawk ready to swoop as soon as someone left. It only took a couple of pints (Camden Hells for anyone who is interested) for one to come free. Settled in the table I ordered a stake, which I had been looking forward to all day, only to find out they didn’t have any. Disappointing. But I was enjoying the beer so I picked fish and chips instead, and really enjoyed it. Plus it was a bit cheaper which was my lame excuse to have an extra pint. All in all it was nice evening and I managed a modicum of self control so I wasn’t to rough for work in the morning. Nothing to do with work but I’m justifying using it as it’s just one of the things in life that compete with our time so we can’t always spend as much time on hobby as we may like. Be it work or family life comes first and we fit our hobbies around it. So don’t stress when you don’t get a project finished and don’t think that that its life getting in the way. It’s all just life so make the most of it and enjoy the time you get for you hobby as a bonus.

And just as a teaser this was the fish and chips.

Now for those of you who read this earlier you can clearly see another technical issue. Well it’s not technical it’s user error. I had written the post to the end but hadn’t updated it beyond here. So everything below was only on my phone and not on the site. Until now.

Back to the hobby and as I mentioned I decided just to work on the Enlightened fleet and going into it I had a clear idea about what I wanted them to look like. Which quickly went out of the window. The original plan was for a very pale blue in keeping with an Arctic them but the colour just wasn’t working over a metallic dry brush. So I had to switch ideas and ended up settling for a teal and red colour scheme.

I don’t have any pictures of the test model yet as I’m waiting for the water effects to dry. But I do have the various ships with the metallics waiting for colour.

That’s it for this week and my plan for the week ahead is to keep working on these guys. I have the basic colours worked out but still need to work out some of the details. Until then I hop you all have a good week and hope to see you all again next weekend.

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