I’m going to start this week with an update on our one shot D&D adventure from last Saturday. A big thanks has to go out to our DM for organising everything and running a really fun session. It was set in the same world and at the same time as our main adventure but was nothing to with what our other characters are getting up to. That made it easy to fit into the environment and the adventure flowed from there. We were tasked by one group to recover an artefact and by another to recover a person and being the enterprising group we are we took both jobs as the person in question was carrying the object we needed. The only snag was that she was in prison and we had to break her out. The characters we had rolled up separately turned out to be good bunch with two thieves a cleric and a ranger. The ranger being able to use ‘pass with trace’ added to some of my other abilities gave me a plus twenty-one to my stealth before I even rolled a dice. Which came in very useful. Our entry into the prison went well and we managed to subdue the only person that came close to seeing us with killing them. Then the distraction went off and we even managed to intimidate most of the guards into not fighting so we could get our mark out. One guard caused a bit of trouble but he was the only person we needed to fight. We got the mark out but it turned out she had swallowed the item we needed so we extracted her and then planed on a waiting game to get the artefact. Things changed a bit when the group wanting the artefact needed a bit quicker than nature would allow so they sent an alchemist to speed things along. Turned out though that his idea of speeding things along was to cut it out and leave us to try and heal her. So we did what we could and rushed her the temple who had hired us to get her out and said there had been a bit of a complication. But she was alive which is what they asked for so as far as we were concerned both jobs complete and that’s where things ended.
Now I have to say I really enjoyed playing a different character and in that setting it gave a different feel to the game. It also showed another side the world we are currently adventuring in. We are looking to see if we can fit in another of these side adventures so my Gnome collector of interesting artefacts (thief) may get another run out.
No game night this week so instead I’ve been getting a little bit of extra hobby time in. Some of that time has gone into making a start on the bases for my new shiny, or at least I’m hoping they will be shiny when they are finished, Titans. What I’ve done here is to simply add some cork to the standard bases so that I can then start to sculpt the bases to give them more of a feel for a ruined battle field. If any of you have read any of the Titan novels you will know how destructive these things are an I want to try and convey this in the base. I’ve also picked up some of the GW buildings and I’m going to use these as well to help add some scale to the scene. It’s early stages at the moment and I got a bit carried away in trying to get the join between the cork and the base as smooth as possible even I have to admit was a bit over the top but I’m not doing to have lots of Titans so it’s worth it in this instance. Although it’s not something I would do for other models as it was very time consuming.
I also received a package from Artel Miniatures as well this week. Now this was something that I ordered before Christmas and it has taken about eight weeks to arrive, which is on par with the last order I got from them. But whilst the delivery isn’t anything to right home about the quality of both the sculpt and the finished model certainly are. This time round it a bad ass ork warboss but all I’ve had time to do has been to built it and get it ready for some paint.
The ranger was progressing nicely with only a few details felt before she was finished as you can see here.
But that’s when this week went all wrong on me. There has been a virus going around the office and I’ve picked it up. The result has been that I’ve been feeling death all week and the last thing I’ve wanted to do is any sort of hobby. I’m still not feeling well but didn’t want to miss as an updated so I’ve sat here watching box sets and feeling sorry for myself. With a bit of look things will pick up next week and I’ll actually manage to get some painting done but until then I hope you all have a good week and I’m going to go back to feeling sorry for myself.