Weekly Waffle #234
Gamming for this weeks weekly waffle has been limited to a bit of disrupted but very enjoyable D&D session. No one got killed, a first for us in quite a while, we made a bit of money, spent a bit… Continue reading
Gamming for this weeks weekly waffle has been limited to a bit of disrupted but very enjoyable D&D session. No one got killed, a first for us in quite a while, we made a bit of money, spent a bit… Continue reading
Well it’s been a good hobby week this week, I’ve had lots of travel for work but what hobby I have had has been really good which has given me lots to share in this weeks weekly waffle Plus, there’s… Continue reading
Things have calmed down a bit this week and I’ve had what I think is quite a good hobby week which I hope in turn give you a good weekly waffle. Although when it came to actually writing up what… Continue reading
I’ve only got a token update for you this weeks weekly waffle as my mum hasn’t been to well so I’ve not had any hobby time for most of the week. Now the week did start quite well and I… Continue reading
In this weeks weekly waffle I became a dragon. It’s not often you get to open a post with something like that so I’m not going to pass up on the opportunity. There is a story behind it and I’ll… Continue reading
Ok I’m making it official, I’ve lost my mojo and it’s impacting more that just the weekly waffle. I just don’t know where it is has gone at the moment. I’ve probably spent more time staring blankly at projects this… Continue reading
I’m going to start this weeks weekly waffle with an apology for not bringing you an update last week. I’d like to say that it was I involved in some secret invitation only special event but the reality is that… Continue reading
Well it’s been something of a weird one this week for this weeks weekly waffle. I’m going to start off with the good news that everyone survived our D&D session on Sunday, just. It was essentially part of a battle… Continue reading
This week weekly waffle I’m putting down as a really good hobby week. Not necessarily a really productive one but I’ve really enjoyed everything I’ve done with none of it feeling like a chore. That is until I started trying… Continue reading
I’m going to start this weeks weekly waffle with a gaming update from what turned out be an epic D&D session on Sunday. For some time now we have been building up to what could be a party ending encounter.… Continue reading