Weekly Waffle #298
This will be three hundredth edition of the waffle so need to big it up a bit. Highlight some of the highs and lows over the years. Continue reading
This will be three hundredth edition of the waffle so need to big it up a bit. Highlight some of the highs and lows over the years. Continue reading
Weekly Waffle #297 3rd September 2022 I know I said last week that I may not have an update every week but week two of the return does bring a new update. But just to manage expectations I really don’t… Continue reading
Weekly Gaming update Continue reading
Weekly Waffle #295 30th April 2022 This week I’ve mixed things up a bit with Hagal sitting on the desk and taking a bit of back seat, or really taking no part at all in this week’s activities. I’ve still… Continue reading
Weekly Waffle #294 23rd April 2022 It was Easter weekend last week and for those of us in the UK that meant a four day weekend. I would like to say that it was spend being really productive and getting… Continue reading
9th April 2022 Well once again I have missed a couple of updates but I’m putting them both down to Adepticon. The first was the Saturday of Adepticon and I had been doing daily updates so I don’t feel to… Continue reading
Non metallic metal (NMM) is a complex technique that can become simple if you know how to approach it. I will teach you about the basics and the more in depth. You will learn how to approach light, how to understand the highlights and how to create an convincing NMM effect. Special equipment needed: Bring your own paints (Black, White, Yellow, Blue, Green) and paint brushes (a size 0-1 will be fine). Continue reading
This will be the last update before Adepticon so needs to have some packing and prep elements. Continue reading
I’ve been sticking with the Iyandan for this week and I’ve made some good progress on the WraithBlades and the Psychers, but I have also taken the time to get some wo l rk in progress pictures along the way.… Continue reading
Review of my Iyandan units so far. Continue reading