Weekly Waffle #94
Game night this week saw us get a couple more rounds Dystopian Wars in. With hindsight going for a four way game as our introduction to Fleet Actions may not have been the best idea but it is generating some… Continue reading
Game night this week saw us get a couple more rounds Dystopian Wars in. With hindsight going for a four way game as our introduction to Fleet Actions may not have been the best idea but it is generating some… Continue reading
Game night this week saw us continuing with our four way Dystopian Wars battle and I’m happy to report that the mighty Russians are still in the battle. Although one of Gun Ships has taken a points worth of damage.… Continue reading
No game night this week with Al having to earn some pennies to keep the bank manager at bay. But we have decided that October is going to be Dystopian Wars month with games planned for the rest of the… Continue reading
I didn’t get a game in this week but did get to watch Al get beat up in a game of Age of Sigmar. I still have no idea what is going on in the game but he had loads… Continue reading
Didn’t get much gaming done on game night this week. Al was full of cold so we just spent some time drinking tea and building up some Mantic terrain and getting confused. It’s a good one for a waffle though.… Continue reading