Weekly Waffle #315
Special weapon and character support for Necromunda Orloks. Continue reading
Special weapon and character support for Necromunda Orloks. Continue reading
Weekly Waffle #314 8th April 2023 This weeks weekly waffle has been all about the Orlocks and I’ve impressed myself with the progress I’ve made. Granted that isn’t very hard but still I’m impressed. So what have actually managed to… Continue reading
Weekly Waffle #313 2nd April 2023 So in this weeks weekly waffle I have a double header of projects underway. Carrying on from last week I couldn’t resist picking up the Arms Master and Wrecker’s box for the Orlocks. I… Continue reading
Weekly Waffle #312 25th March 2023 I missed last week because I got caught up in a side project that came out of game night last Tuesday. Corey and Alex had been finishing off a game of Necromunda and I… Continue reading
I’m really not sure just where to start this week as it’s been something that I’ve never experienced or even considered as being possible. It’s a times like this when having a hobby, no mater what it is could be… Continue reading
This week has been another mixed bag with me getting quite a lot done although I don’t have lots of pictures to share with you. Some but not a lot. First off this week was that I managed to make… Continue reading
I’m going to start this week with an apology for not turning up last week. No real excuse I’d just had a really unproductive week and had nothing to put in an update. That and the fact that we all… Continue reading
I was hoping to have a bit of bumper update for you this week but the truth is I’ve been really lazy all week and not done a lot of painting. Done a lot of lounging around and reading but… Continue reading
Not a big update for you this week as I’ve been really lazy and done next to nothing all week. I’ve sat on the settee reading and generally just chilling out. I didn’t even move for game night but I… Continue reading
Well I’m going to start this week with an update from game night, because I actually played a game. I know it’s rare but there you go. Myself and Corey started a game of Necromunda with Pete looking after the… Continue reading