Weekly Waffle #257

I’ve actually remembered to do an update this week. I think like a lot of people the days are just merging into one for me at the moment and I just completely lost track of the week when it came to last week’s update. Not that I’ve actually managed to do a lot of anything, even though I have more time. Weird how these things seem to work out. I’m saving a couple of hours a day by not having to commute for work, but I’m then actually putting a lot more hours because I’m working from home and it’s really easy to just keep working away. Finding that discipline actually stop and not to just finish something off because you can. The flip side to that when it comes to hobby time is that seem to spend an inordinate amount of time ‘thinking’ about what I’m going to do instead of just getting on with something. Then before I know it’s time for bed or some such and I’ve not actually got anything done. So my note to self needs to be to get a grip on my time and actually divide the day up a bit better. It’s amazing how things get messed up when you can’t go to the pub with regular as clockwork licencing hours. I really didn’t know my internal body clock was so linked to the pub cycle.

Now then on the hobby front I’ve spent quite a bit of time just chopping up and gluing together bits of plasticard into random configurations. I was really just playing around with a few ideas with no clear idea of what I was actually trying to build. There were lots of half ideas so I’ve started a few things and then just left them but I’ve had fun doing that and I’ve worked out a few new ways of doing things that will help me out for future projects. The end result of this has been a bag of random bits and off cuts that may or may not get used in the future.


Another thing that I’ve done this week and this is really showing my OCD is to sort out most of plastic stock by size. This is really bad I know but it has given me a top tip to share with you all so you can avoid being as sad as me. That is to simply keep the packets that things arrive in. Nothing ground breaking but all I’ve done is cut the top off cleanly to make it easier to access and there you go. The thing that makes life easier for me is that when I start to run low I can simply look at the pack to see what I need to order again. No need to measure and try and work out what should be ordering and I don’t need to rummage through my various bits box to find things.


The bonus from all of this is that I’ve sort of got an idea for a new project and I’ve started work on that. It is a very loose plan at the moment that I’m hoping will end up in some type of Grot Rigger Battle Waggon, all though a lot of my projects to tend to suffer from scope creep. For me it’s more about the process than the end result and so my idea is to be build up lots of different components, such as engine, suspension, drive train, chassis, cab and mechs work area. Then to bring them all together into one finished item. Sort of how I see an gort mind working the whole things out. So the first things I’ve been working on is the basics for the suspension. I want something that sort of looks like it could work and then I’ll embellish from there.


With the basics of the suspension worked out I then needed some wheels and this is where things might start to go a bit astray. I have some really nice wheels from zinge industries but I just don’t think they are big enough for what I have planned so I made a bit of school boy error and had a look on e-bay for some ideas. Now I don’t know what happened next but before I knew it a package had arrived at home with some alternative wheels in. If I use them then they will definitely need a bit of work to orkifiy them but I think they could work. My only concern is that I may be getting a little carried away and this could end up being an absolute monster.


I’ve nothing more for you all this week other than to say keep safe and all catch you all again next week.

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