Weekly Waffle #256

Another weird week in the world and a very mixed up one on the hobby front. I missed last weeks update not because I hadn’t been doing anything but because I had been trying something new. I then nearly missed this week through a combination of being caught up with a new project and then Microsoft deciding that it wanted to do what felt like a million updates just as I’m trying to get something typed up and on line for you this week. It is going to be a reasonably short update this week but rest assured I have been working on thing, it’s just that I don’t think they are quite ready to share at the moment. I know that sounds all mysterious but all it is, is me working on some new content. Something a little bit different that I hope will add something else to the site. Anyway I’ll leave that there and should have something to show you by the end of the month.

I have an update on the Grot Bots for you and that is that I won’t be painting them. My plan all along with them was that they were going to be a present for someone at Adepticon. Now events conspired to stop that from happening. So as an alternative they were placed in the post and sent over the pond courtesy of the Royal Mail and then the US Postal Service. Now this was a surprise for the person I was sending them to so I was getting a bit worried when they hadn’t arrived after a couple of weeks. But this week I get some very excited messages that let me know that they had arrived in one piece. So I’m not hoping that once they painted up I will be able to get some pictures to share with you. With a bit of look they may even make an appearance on Twitter and if they do I will share a link with you all.

For me I’ve not done a lot of hobby over the last couple of weeks as been working on some new content ideas but I have done a little bit of painting. I had the idea that I wanted to just play around with few ideas so I’ve used a couple of model that I had primed but hand then just been left. What I wanted to do was use a combination of contrast paints to lay down a base and then had some additional highlights and shading to see what I could come up. The idea was to try and get something done quickly that also looked good, or as good as I can do. Overall I’m really happy with how things have come out. I do really like the contrast paints and with just a little bit of extra work I think you can elevate the finished model quite easily. What we have here is a Malifaux and an Infinity character so it shows that this can work on a range of models.



That’s it for this week. I do have a few things in the pipe line so I’m hoping to have a bit more content for you over the next few weeks but rest assured I’ve not lost my mojo and I am working on things. They are just a little bit disjointed. In the mean time keep safe and even though we can’t see our usual gaming compatriots in person please do keep in touch with each over. We will get through this and will then have lots of new projects finished an ready to share on the table top again. So keep you chins up and I’ll catch you all again next week.

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