Weekly Waffle #255

I’m really not sure just where to start this week as it’s been something that I’ve never experienced or even considered as being possible. It’s a times like this when having a hobby, no mater what it is could be the only thing that keeps you sane. In my case it is certainly helping. I was expecting to be bringing you an update from Adepticon today but instead of having spent the week exploring Chicago and then having some great times with a group of like minded gamers, I’ve found myself at home on my own seeing no one. Here in the UK, like lots of places around the world, we are in a virtual lock down, only allowed out go food shopping and for exercise as long as you are on your own. Now all of these measures, cancelling Adepticon and the UK lockdown, are all needed to save lives so I fully support them. But what it means for me is that I haven’t actually seen or spoken in person to another human being this week. That should mean that I can get lots of hobby in and I have to say that for a week it’s not too bad but I’m not sure how I will feel in another few weeks. What I would like to say though is that we have an amazing community and if you take  a look on Twitter or Instagram then there is lots of inspiration out their and we will get through this, we just have to remain positive and help each other out wherever we can.

Now with that really cheerful introduction out of the way as I’ve actually been on holiday this week I have managed to get to some hobby time in. In fact I’ve managed to get quite a lot of hobby time in. The first thing I’ve been doing is working on some models for WarCry although I’ve no idea when they may end up getting a run out. After all the work that Al and Anna put into showing us all of the faction cards it gave me the excuse to paint up some Orgres. I have no idea what they will be like to play but I have liked the models for a long time an this just gave me an excuse to pick some up and have a go. Now I’ve picked up some models that don’t appear on the faction cards at the moment but I’m going to do a bit of photoshop to make up some count as cards. I won’t be doing anything to change any of the stats just, just changing the picture of the model. So for example instead of using a lead belcher I’m going to use Hrothgorn,s from the Underworlds Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers collection. It’s a really nice model and he has a ranged weapon so I think it fits the stats on the cards. I’m also going to use the Ice Hunter and the Butcher again just because they are nice models and I’ve enjoyed painting them so far. I’ve still got a ways to go but I’m not in any rush and really just trying to enjoy myself with them.


In an effort to try and keep things interesting I’ve also decided to rework my Escher gang for Necromunda. My last attempt just didn’t work so rather than trying to rescue a bad job I’ve gone back to a primer and I’m going to work up from there. My idea is to with a pink instead of yellow so I end up with a pink and turquoise colour scheme which I think will work well for them. It’s early doors for these and as I’m not going anywhere for some time I’m just going to plod away at them. For now this will start to give you an idea of what they may end up looking like.


The thing that I’ve probably put the most effort into this week is something that has been sitting on my self for the last couple of years and to be honest I didn’t think I would ever go back to it. But the thought that I wasn’t going to be doing any of the classes I had planned for this week I decided to go back to something that was intended as a way of trying to improve my painting skills. I’m a big fan of the Nuts Planet Tigger series and I start work on the ‘Stranger JD’ a long time ago as a way of painting something in a different scale. It all started well and then sort of ground to a halt. So this week I’ve gone back to it and I’m beginning to think that I may even manage to finish it. What I’m finding with this is that the closer I feel I’m getting to the finishing a part the more work I’m having to put in to get it where I want it to be. Like everything else I’m going to have to get to the point where I simple say that is as good as I can do and move on but I’m not quite there yet. Now that I’ve got all the components together I can see what it will be like in the end which is a good inspiration to keep going and with a bit of look it will done in a few weeks.


That’s it for this week and my plans for next week will be more of the same with lots of time to spend on hobby. I have just listed to a gent on the TV say that at the moment it is estimated that three quarters of the world population are currently in some form of isolation. So that means that lots of us should have lots of time to get some hobby in but let’s not forget that  these are hard times for everyone so I would encourage everyone to keep in touch, be that a phone call, a skype chat or a WhatsApp group so that anyone who is in on their own know they have friends out there if they need them. I’m not going to get all heavy but I would like to thank all of you who are posting what you are working on as it’s a great inspiration and I’m going to do my best to make more of an effort to do regular updates just to add to the content that is out. So until next week keep positive, look after yourselves and your loved ones and have a bit of fun.

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