Weekly Waffle #249

I’ve spent most of this week feeling sorry for myself as I’ve got a cold, with the corresponding runny nose which is just really annoying. Now with that one line of a moan out of the way I want to really start this week of a bit of plug. I’ve mentioned over the last few weeks the club has a YouTube channel by the name of Red Rose Wargaming and that Al and Anna have been driving this content mainly with WarCry battle reports. This week they have done a number of updates covering off some of the new war band cards that came out last Saturday. Al has been going through them all giving his unique commentary on them which is a joy to see. Especially as Anna’s superb editing skills make him seem nearly human. I’m still waiting for him to review the Ogor Mugwarts as I’ve picked them up and really want to make a warband out of them. As far as I can tell you will only get four ogors for a thousand points so a very low model count. But GW have some stunning models so if I was go down this rout I would go with a ‘counts as’ approach so that I have an excuse to pick up and paint some really nice models. There never going to be used in a GW organised events so I may even do a bit of Photoshop work to update some cards with pictures my painted up models. But that’s one for the future once Al has got his act together and done an updated for me.

Now I’ve been prevaricating about starting work on the Grot Bots as my deadline for having them completed is rapidly approaching. With that in mind I sat down and got a bit carried away with painting a yellow space marine. I know I’m never going to get anything done if I carry on like this but I just had this itch to paint up this model, or at least start on it, as it’s been on my workbench for ages. All things considered I quite like how it’s progressing and the process isn’t that onerous so in theory I could easily do a full squad of them. Not that I’m going to do that but I’ve had fun doing this one and will get him finished, all be it without a head as I’ve no idea where that has ended up.


All hope isn’t lost yet for the Grot Bots however as I did manage to make a start, although I did run into an immediate problem. I have several boxes and containers with all sorts of sheet material, box section, rods and tubes that I’ve used in a whole host of scratch builds. But when I looked through these I didn’t have any of rods and tubes in the sizes I need for the legs and arms of the bots. I’ve been onto Antenocities Workshop to order all sorts of bits and pieces, which I’m hoping will turn up soon. Other online suppliers are available but I’ve used these guys a lot and have always been happy with the service, and they have a wide range of parts.

I did have enough box section to make a start though so I’ve been plugging away to get the heads, body and hips started. I remember this being a bit of chore but I think I must have blanked out just how much work is involved in the whole process. As you will be able to see from the pictures there are lots of bits here but just about everything you can see below has had to be cut and cleaned before the next step can start. So just looking at the head pieces I have had to cut and clean the box section. Then use some plasticard to turn it from box section into an actual box and then I’ve had to cut out the section for the chin before filling in the hole that left. Now none of this is actually hard to do, it’s just a bit fiddly, it’s time consuming and it’s boring. But I am making progress.


As you can see from the pictures there is still a long way to go but I’m hoping that by next week I will have these sections all knocked into shape so I can start work on the legs and arms. For the close combat weapons, I have some chain weapons from Kormlech which I will be using as I just don’t have the time to scratch build anything. For the shootie weapons I will be raiding my Ork bits box so that there is no confusion about what weapons they have. It’s the details that I think really make these guys work so I’m in the process of making lots, and lots of nuts and bolts to really help with the feel that these things are quite literally just bolted together bit of junk. So whilst the time pressure is there I’m still hopeful that I can get them completed in time.

With next weekend being Valentines weekend and me now being all loved up I don’t think I will get much time to work on these guys so I’m going to make the most of the early part of the week. I will have some update next week but It might only be a short one, the things we do for love. So until then I hope you all have a great week and I’ll catch you all again next Saturday.

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