Weekly Waffle #226

Well it’s been something of a weird one this week for this weeks weekly waffle. I’m going to start off with the good news that everyone survived our D&D session on Sunday, just. It was essentially part of a battle with an end of level boss and we milked it for all it was worth. Or more accurately we got so much wrong it took forever to finish it. Although there were some very cinematic moments and it literally came to the last blow of the night.

As we left things at the end of the last session our arch enemy Malick the necromancer had escaped our grasp and left us stuck at the top of a pyramid. We were all a bit beat up so wanted to try and get a bit of rest and regroup but our DM had other ideas. So we were assailed with some cultists and then swarms of scarabs pouring out of the walls forcing us to run away, oh sorry, to make a tactical withdrawal. We managed to fight our way back to the entrance with the thinking being we would try and make a run for the woods to recover. This was when one of our party spotted Malick running away into the dark. D&M says he’s about five hundred yards away. Dacyreus says my bow has a range of six hundred so I’ll take a shot and what a shot it turned out to be. Natural twenty, so Malick goes down with an arrow through the leg, no longer running away but still getting away.

The quick plan is to go after him. But ignore anything or anyone who gets in the way, run past them and take the hits, we have to get to Malick and take him out at all costs. We all start to run and a few cultists break off to stop us. Our fastest members stick to the plan and run right past them. Oh no that’s wrong. Our fastest members completely ignore the plan and charge into the cultists. By now Malick, a high level necromancer, knows he can’t run away so uses his arts to reanimate all the bodies piled up against the obelisk and send them our way. It was now a simple maths problem. If we didn’t drop Malick in the next three rounds we would overrun by the undead. Some of us stuck to the plan and managed to engage with him, but we couldn’t take him down. This had been so cinematic until now but it wasn’t looking good for us. It all came down to the quite literally the last blow of the night. A hit from a spiritual weapon from our cleric Jynx. Down went Malick and along with him the undead.

In gaming session time, the whole thing had taken up two nights so about twelve hours of gaming. All to come down to the last blow of the night. That is why I love this game the party I’m playing with. Anna our D&M had crafted a session what touch and go all the way through and it was fantastic. In terms of our wider adventures this is a major milestone but what happens next is now something of a mystery. It ends a key sub plot for one our party so the question is will the now stay with us or not. That will be for the next session, which unfortunately won’t be this week, but I can’t wait to see how things progress from here.

Game night saw Mick and Tony having their first game of Shadespire, Khorne vs Sigmar. I’ve never played but it was fun to watch and got a few of us thinking about picking up a crew. Not expensive and give use everything we would need to be able to start playing. I now you need the boards and dice but others already have them so not needed to get started. Although would need to pick them up the bug bites. So I was pondering if I wanted to jump in and in the end pulled the trigger on some Dwarves, oh sorry, some Kharadron Overlords Thundrik’s Profiteers. I’ve no idea if they are any good or not but I really like the look of the models and that for me is one of the key reasons to play a game. That and the fluff. If I don’t like the look or fluff, I won’t play them. It doesn’t matter if something is the best unit or model in the world I have to like how it looks.

On the hobby front I’ve done next to nothing. I had planned to do some stencil work on the armour plates for the Warlord. But having started on one it’s not turned out quite how I intended. That may be because I’m not really sure myself just what I wanted to achieve. I now that sounds silly but that’s just how it is. So I’ve spent a lot of time pondering. Then I’ve left things and spent the time re-reading the Malazan Book of the Fallen. Which is actually ten books long and I’m on book four this time round. Anyway that’s a long winded way of saying that all I’ve done this week is this single armour plate.


That’s it for this week. A lot of waffle and not a lot to show for it. I’m hoping to try and force myself into a way forward with the Warlord and I’ll also start on the prospectors once they arrive. I’m hoping that having a couple of different things to work on will mean when I get suck on one I can switch to the other. They say a change is as good as rest and I really find that to be the case with hobby projects. Anyway that’s it for today, I hope you all have a great weekend whatever you have planned and I hope to catch you al lagain next week.

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