Weekly Waffle #214

Another slow week this week which seems to be coming a bit of habit. I’m hoping it’s the quite before the storm and I’m suddenly going to fall into a super productive period where I get loads and loads of things finished. Alas that is still in the future and won’t save me with content for this week.

No game night this week but we did have a very interesting D&D session on Sunday and I took the opportunity to change out my character. Gone is the Halfling monk and in is the Dwarven bard. Now I was hoping for a nice introduction to the party over a beer in the tavern, strike up a friendship and off we go adventuring. Our DM however had other ideas which involved the town being attacked by a horde of orcs and our party being left to fight two giants. I took a real beating and if it wasn’t for the timely intervention of a very helpful cleric I would have had to make far too many death saving throws for anyone’s liking. Our Dwarven paladin wasn’t so lucky he had to make so many save that it’s muddled his head a bit and he can no longer speak common fluently. Which makes conversations interesting. Anyway a good fight is almost as good a as good drink to introduce yourself and after arranging transport down river for them I’ve tagged myself along for a bit of adventure. All that and in game terms it’s still early afternoon so there is no telling what the rest of the day has in store for us.

Hobby time hasn’t been as abundant as I would have liked this week as I’ve had some personal things I’ve need to sort out. Trawling through some planning applications and talking with neighbours, all very boring and time consuming but necessary. The upshot has been that I still haven’t got the ork boss finished and it feels like it is becoming something of an albatross around my neck. So regardless of what happens between now and next week, even if England loose to Italy this afternoon I will have it finished for next week. In farness I am on the finishing straight now with only the weathering and a few stray details to finish so it shouldn’t take long to do. In fact, I’m hoping that within a couple of hours of this post going live it will be don and I can move on to the next project as they are begging to stack up now.


And that’s it for this but as is said earlier I am going to nail my colours to the mast and say that I will get the warboss completed for next week. Other than that the other goals for this week are to survive tomorrows D&D session and then I’ll just see what happens for the rest of the week. So until then I hope you have a good one and I’ll see you all again next week.


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