No game night this week as Al wasn’t available so that was an extra night of hobby time. That hobby time for this week has mainly been spend working on my Kill Team seeing as I only have one more week to try get them finished if I’m going to meet our agreed time line. I’ve also spent some time working on the updates to Al’s truck.
So I’ve been working on some models for a Genestealer cult which is what was picked for me when we had a blind draw for which war band we would be using. I said a few weeks ago when we had the draw that I wasn’t over the moon with my selection but after a bit of search on line I came across a colour scheme that I was reasonably happy with and that is what I’ve been working on here. It basically consists of a dark grey, bone, and orange. Quite simple but I think it has a nice pop to it and having painted up the first model I’m quite happy with how it’s turned out. I’ve also decided to use Necromunda bases now that there is a Genestealer cult list to allow me to use them for that game as well. Despite my initial reservations about having to paint these up I’ve quite enjoyed painting them and in true gamer fashion I’m already thinking of ways to expand the selection before these are even finished. There’s an irony here as well because I haven’t done any work on the Death Wing this week as I’ve concentrating on these guys. So when you think about some of the fluff for the Death Wing and the whole reason the now have bone white armour it’s kind of ironic that they have been shelved so I can crack on the with cult.
We also cancelled our D&D session for this week as there were only a few of us available but we are going to get a game in tomorrow. I had planned to have a few friends round for a BBQ tomorrow but in typical fashion for a UK bank holiday weekend its forecast torrential rain. So instead it’s just going to be our D&D group who will enjoy another leg of our adventure. But because I don’t have to drive home after there may well be some drunken monk escapades taking place. I’ll also make sure everyone gets fed so that should cover that off.
On the D&D front now my quest has been completed and I’ve promised Al’s character I’ll help him complete his quest I’ve got a series of little things I’m going to see if develop over the next few sessions. All aimed at making my guy more useful in a support role for the rest of the party. It’s taken quite a while to get to this point but I’m now beginning to get a good feel for how the monk class works. So a few tweaks here and there and I think have a good way to develop him as he goes along. Assuming of course he doesn’t get squashed by some big beastie.
That’s if for this week. I hope you all have a good weekend and I hope to see you all again next week.