Weekly Waffle #50

No game again this week with everyone getting ready for Christmas, although I don’t really know why you need to get ready. Anyway it’s been a bit of lazy week for me on all fronts. I’ve not done any painting and have only managed to get a bit more work done on the stompa scratch build. Although I’ve tried lots of different options to get to this point. The good thing from all my trial and error is that I now think I have design for the parts that aren’t yet finished, so another week or so should see the bulk of the work completed for the gun arm.

WW50-1 WW50-2 WW50-3 WW50-4

Also on the hobby front I’ve had a few things magically appear over the last couple of days. The first is absolutely frivolous, even in this hobby and ties in nicely with the new Star Wars release. It’s a little known fact but before they froze Han Solo in Carbonite they tested the process on someone or something else. And courtesy of Broken Toad here is the proof.

WW50-5 WW50-6 WW50-7 WW50-8

I’ve no idea how I’m going to paint him but it should be fun.

Also with Wild West Exodus being the game of choice for January my Lawmen have a few additions to help them keep the peace. First up we have the Legendary version of Wyatt Earp along with his puppies or actually H311-K9s.

WW50-9 WW50-10 WW50-11

I also have another Boss in the form of Pat Garrett who gives me the option to bring a bit more range to my crew.

WW50-12 WW50-13 WW50-14

And finally to bulk things out a bit I have some Rangers so it gives me five more Close Combat and five more Long Range options when I’m building my crew.

WW50-15 WW50-16

And that’s it for this week. My plan is to try and clean up and prep my new Lawmen for next week and get back into the flow of painting with a few days off work. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and hope to see you all again next week.

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