Weekly Waffle #321 – He did cross the streams

Weekly Waffle #321

17th February 2024

For this week’s weekly waffle I have stepped away from Games Workshop and taken a step into world of Wild West Exodus. Well the models are from WWX but I picked the up because some of the club were playing Mythos. It looked like quite a fun game and when I looked at the miniatures for it there were a few WWX options. I WWX when it first came out and have both Lawmen and Confederate crews. But haven’t played since the rules changed. To be honest I have no idea how my existing crews fit into the current rules. But getting back to Mythos I saw the Soul Hunters Detachment and really liked the models. Regardless of whether they ever actually make it into a game I thought they would be cool to paint.

The first to get a bit of colour is Hans Speimenn. Simply because I like the way he looks. Going back to last week when I was talking about cool bases for this guy I went with a resin base I already had and I think was originally earmarked for Malifaux. I had to cut the bottom off these and then used some green stuff to fix them to the WWX bases. Mainly because I want to keep them legal if they make it into a game.

I used a similar approach to last week to paint up the base. Using a combination of dry brushing and washes got the base into a nice state. Then I spent a little bit of extra work picking out some highlights and doing a bit of weathering.

With the base done and the mojo in the bank I decided to try and paint this as close as I could to the box art. Or more accurately the on line art. But I still wanted to give myself the same deadline that it had to be completed within one week of hobby sessions. That gave me the mindset of having a goal but I wasn’t going to fixate on any one thing. I just wanted to do things as well as I could. If something wasn’t exactly the same as the art work, and let’s face it with me none of it was actually going to the same, it didn’t matter. The key thing was to have something at the end of the week that I could put on the table and be happy with. I also wanted to learn from this and identify areas that I could improve on. By that I mean looking for one or two things that didn’t go as well as I would have liked that I could work on in the next project. So I’m not talking about major techniques, just working on getting the basics right and improving on them.

It’s been something of an eye opener that having that clear goal and setting some realistic expectations makes the painting process more enjoyable. Or at least it did for me. But even trying to manage my expectations I still feel like I’m not doing as well as I should. I just set out to do one part at a time building up from the feet which worked well for me.

Hans Speimenn. Hans Speimenn. Hans Speimenn. Hans Speimenn. Hans Speimenn. Hans Speimenn. 

For more Wild West Exodus you can check our my Gallery here

In other news it’s we are now only a month away from Adepticon and we have been doing a little bit of planning about what to do with our time in Chicago. On our previous trips we have stayed within the Loop area but we are going to go a bit further afield this time. Having previously visited Soldier Field we are going to swap sports and take in the legendary location of Wrigley Field. It’s well North of anywhere we have visited before but it’s only 20 minutes on the red line so easily doable. I’m not sure yet if there are any trips available but even if there aren’t it will still be worth the trip. There are also lots of bars and even a couple of breweries in the area so we won’t be short of things to do. And there are still lots of things for us to see and do back in the city centre I I don’t think we are going to board.

Diversifying a little bit more I have been doing some really boring work to look at how I can boost the site in search engine results. I’m doing quite well on how it is structured at the moment but one of the things I’ve told to do is add some external links to help boost the score. I’ve been resisting this because I don’t just want to put something in for the sake of it. But there are some sites I do want to support so I’m going to start adding links to them so you can check them out if you a little bit of free time.

The first is very close to home and is the YouTube channel for Red Rose Wargaming. This is my regular Tuesday night gaming group and Anna and Al are the ones responsible for the channel. There have been any updates for quite a while, Covid shut things down for a while, but they are starting things up again so there should be new content soon. But in the mean time there is lots to catch up on.

The other channel I want to recommend is Trapped Under Plastic which is a Pod Cast, available on lots of platforms. But I tend to watch it here. Both of the guys have their own channels, which I would also recommend. I get a lot of inspiration from watching this so I’m sharing it in case it can do the same for you.

That’s it for this week’s weekly waffle. I hope you all have a good week and enjoy yourselves whatever you are up to. I’ll be back with more for you next week although I haven’t quite decided what that will be.

And to keep you entertained until next time why don’t you have a look at so other content I’m enjoying at the moment:

Red Rose Wargaming

Trapped Under Plastic



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