Weekly Waffle #364 – Looking Invincible

Weekly Waffle #364 – Looking Invincible

25th January 2025

For this week’s weekly waffle I have jumped back on the Infinity band wagon. I have lost a bit of my mojo in this space because I’m still dealing with the lost minis I was telling you about before Christmas. Royal Mail have admitted to me they have delivered them to the wrong address but I’m now caught between a rock and hard place with the shop because Royal Mail are telling them they have delivered them. That means I’m currently out of pocket and have no minis. Well no minis isn’t quite right but the irony is that minis that are missing are the ones I really need for a starter game. I’m loath to buy them again in case they eventually turn up but the longer this runs on the more I’m thinking I’m going to have to bite the bullet and pay again. But if I have to do that I’m going to have to find another store to get them from.

So the Infinity front has taken a bit of battering. But I wanted to mix things up a bit and crack on with some of the minis I do have. These were going to be the first ones I painted after I decided to switch out my paints. Basically I want to try and stick with one brand, which is going to be AK Gen 3, for most of my minis this year. Which has meant i’ve had to find colour that match the test minis that I did. I think I’m just about there with what I have here. Possibly a little bit darker, which I like, but I’m not sure if that is the paint choice or I’ve just not pushed the highlights as much. Either way I’m happy with how they have turned out and I feel I can be consistent with this scheme. Which I’m hoping will bode well for the future.

A real challenge again has been painting the stripes on the arms. I did consider, again, not doing them but I think that contrast in colours is really needed. It’s that little bit of pop on what is otherwise a very monotone colour scheme. And I’m finding the more I practice it the easier it gets. At the end of the day it boils down to having a good process and then having some confidence when it comes to deliver.

The process is applying the colours in the right order. Which I think I now have nailed down. I paint the white stripe first and making I wide enough so that I can come back in to add the red. I make it as neat as I can, because I think it’s good on these details to have a little clean up as possible afterwards. And it’s just good practice. Then I come in with the red. This is the one that I think needs the most confidence to deliver. You want to try and do it on one go. Get the paint consistency right, load the brush up and then just one stroke to get it right down the centre. Or at least that’s the idea. It worked once and looked really good. The other times I was little hesitant and things weren’t as neat. But it’s not that hard to go back in with the white to clean things up.

The last stage is to put the two black strips down the outside. Again it’s a confidence thing but because the black covers very well it’s a little easier to do. The trick is making sure you don’t get rid of all of the white. Overall I think it looks good on them and I’m confident that with more practice they will look better and better as I paint more minis.

With the final step being to base them I’ve gone with the same winter style that I’ve did for the original minis. And i’v has some extra practice with this because I’ve gone with a very similar style for my Squats. The only issue I have rally had this week goes back to when I tidied my work space up before Christmas. When I did this I put the bases I had for these guys in a box and I now can’t find that box. The result has been that of the three Zuyong Invisibles I’ve painted for this week I only have bases for two of them. So we have the Boarding Shotgun and Combo Rifle minis finished and ready to share. The Missile Launcher is finished but not based so he will have to wait for another week. Once I’ve either found or re-ordered some bases.

But that’s enough of me waffling on about them what do you guys think of them. I’ve also included a few pictures of them alongside the test minis for comparison.

You can see more Infinity miniatures at my gallery here

I have also continued with the work of prepping more Leagues of Votann minis. Just getting them built and cleaned up ready for painting. I mentioned this last week when I talked about how long it takes me to do this. So my plan has been slow and steady, but importantly keeping things moving. I now have two squads of Hearthkyn Warriors ready for painting. Along with the warriors I also have three Hernkyn Pioneers built and ready for painting. So for me that is a lot of work.

It doesn’t mean I’m going to try and get it all done in one go. Or even that this is all that I have to work on. It just means that they are the ones ready for when I get round to them. I may even get them all primed so I can literally jump into adding colour at any time. Again it’s all about trying to make life as easy as possible for myself. Getting the time consuming and boring jobs out of the way a little bit at a time. That way when I only have a limited amount of hobby time I can really make it count.

Whilst I’m on the looking ahead front, I’m going to adopt the same approach as I did last year to posts when I’m not around. By that I mean if I have something planned, outside of the hobby, for a given week then I’m not going to do a post that week. That means that on Saturday 15th March there won’t be a Weekly Waffle. Me and the missis are having some time off and are going to London for a few days. So I don’t want to get in trouble because I’m trying to get content done for a post. I’m just going to miss that weekend. All part of me setting realistic expectations for myself and letting you guys know what you can expect.

That’s it for this week. My thinking for next week is to get the Prospectors finished off. Which will be my first full unit or gang of the year. Not really a mile stone but still, it’s progress. So until then I hope you all keep safe, enjoy whatever you have planned and it would be great to see you all back here next week.

Red Rose Wargaming

Trapped Under Plastic

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