Weekly Waffle #360 – The art of stealth
21st December 2024
This week has seen the end of the evaluation phase of the project at work so I’m hoping to get a little bit of time back so that I can do a little bit more hobby. So this week’s weekly waffle has managed to keep the run going of having a new mini fully painted to show you, and yes it is an Infinity miniatures. I do tend to through myself into something and then run with it for a while until jumping over to something else. I’m hoping to stick with a combination of infinity and ork’s for a while. They are two very different painting styles but ones that at I am currently enjoying.
The Infinity has the prospect of learning the game again and actually playing some games. Which I know is novel for me because I’ve been much more into the hobby side of things over the last few years. Building up the Infinity army slowly, or a more accurate description would probably be to say in spurts. And actually getting some games in is something I think I can really get into in the new year. There are a couple of people in the club looking to play so we can learn together and I think it will be fun. As things stand I haven’t even written my first list and I don’t think the minis I have been working on would fit into the learning to play area.
Points wise everything I have at the moment is either heavy infantry or a specialist unit. With this week’s update certainly fitting firmly in the specialist category. I need to spend a bit of time to look at the games it recommends for Sand Trap and find the equivalent troops from Yu Jing to be able to have a balanced game. I think the getting to know the games start off with something like three unarmored troop options and then build up from there. Most of what I have at the moment are Invisibles who are all in armour so I’m going to have to get more minis.
But having said that I have enjoyed painting the minis I have so fare and I have more of them lined up for the next few week’s so I’m not going be making any changes to anything I have planned yet. I’m just going to try and refine the work I have done on the test pieces so that I can repeat it and hopefully end up with nice looking minis when the land of the table. Although I have still to work out how I’m going to paint the clothing on the units that don’t have heavy armour. I have some ideas but they still need some tweaking. I think I will have to raid my bits box for something I can use as a test piece.
Getting onto this week’s mini I have simply carried on the theme of looking for minis that I like the look of. I have no idea how they will actually work in a game but I wanted to paint it because it looks cool. So this week I have been working on a Ninja with a bow. I know that is’t super high tech for a sci fi game but let’s face it Ninja’s are always cool. Throw in the fact they are using a bow when everyone else has some super fancy weapon. Because they can. Then give that mini very dynamic pose and the end result is a mini I think everyone would fall in love with.
In game terms the Nina are technically part of the JSA faction, which broke away from Yu Jing in I think the N2 or N3 edition. But they are still available for Yu Jing to pick. So I’m not just painting it because it’s a nice mini. But because I can also use it in games. Once I figure out what she can do.
Painting wise I’ve used the same approach that I did for the test pieces. The only major difference being that I’ve switch from Vallejo paints to AK Interactive. I’m hoping you can’t really tell the difference because I have tried to colour match so everything looks the same.
Based on what I had learned on those test minis and from watching some videos on highlighting and shading. I also made a couple of other slight colour changes. For the dark panel lines I switch from black to a very dark grey, Tenebrous Grey to be precise. And for the highlighting I switched from white being my highest point to a green grey to try to tie in with the main colour a bit more.
Whilst the change is subtle I think it makes the overall feel a little bit more cohesive. Although that could just as easily be my imagination. I’ve also switched out some of the basing material with a different snow effect and also a little bit of winter crackle paint. Just to try and give that extra icy effect to the base.
Overall I’m happy with the changes and think this is going to form the basis for everything I do with these guys going forward. But what do you think.
You can see more Infinity miniatures at my gallery here
I’m going to take a break next week so there won’t be an update on the 27th. I’m hoping to get some hobby time in but I’m not going to add the pressure of trying to get things photographed and then write the update. I’m just going to enjoy the time off I have and hopefully come back in the new year all refreshed and raring to go for another year.
At the start of next year I will probably take some time out to look back over what I have managed to achieve this year. And do some of that new year looking ahead about what I want to achieve going forward. I think it’s fair to say that Infinity is going to play a big part in that and I’m hoping to just make steady improvements to my painting.
So this going to be wrapping up for this year. I’m going to be fortunate enough to be spending time with the family over the Christmas period. As well as getting some hobby time in. I sincerely hope that whatever you have planned over the next couple week’s you keep yourselves safe and well. If you have time off I hope you get to sneak in some hobby time and that Santa brings you some new and unexpected toys. So until next year keep safe and I hope see you all back here on the 4th of January 2025.