Weekly Waffle #359 – The Last Invincible
14th December 2024
This week’s Weekly Waffle is once again a little light on the hobby front because I’ve been really busy with work. The work front is due to calm down a little bit next week. But then I’m expecting to be tasked with Christmas related jobs so I may still have limited hobby time. But I will be working to bring you something new. For this week’s hobby I’ve really just been trying to finish of the last of my Infinity test pieces in the form of an Invincible. Although it think I called them Immortals last week. But regardless of what I’ve said in the past it is definitely an Invincible. Or to be precise it is a Zuyong Invincible with an HMG, who in he rules can also be used a Lieutenant, so it ticks a few boxes from a list building perspective. I’ve used the same technique here as I did for the others and I’m beginning to get comfortable with it. Although as I mentioned last week for my next batch I’m going to switch out some of the paints that so that I’m using AK Interactive 3rd Gen instead of my current mix of Vallejo and Games Workshop. Not that the is anything wrong with any of those paints but I just want to try and keep things consistent. I’ve been using the AK paints more and more this year, so it just seemed to make sense to think abut making the switch. So, the next minis I paint will see the switch out. Although I have tested the colours, I’m planning on used on my dry brush board and they look just the same so I’m not expecting to see anything different in the finished result. Maybe just a little neater as I get more and more practice. The strips on the arm look really good on this guy and whilst they could certainly be neater, I do like how they look so they are staying. Even if they are a pain in the proverbial to paint.
I’ve also shared some pictures with the guys in the club and they like the colour scheme so I’m confident that it is going to stick, and I now just need to get on with picking up some more minis and getting them painted up. But what do you think if them. Here we have this week’s new figure along with a group shot of what I’ve managed to finish to date.
You can see more Infinity miniatures at my gallery here
I have ordered a few more Infinity minis so I have something to start work on next week and I have to say I’m really looking forward to cracking on with a few of these. All of the minis look fantastic so I’m just going to pick things at random to start on. Mainly because the things that have come through so far don’t really fit in with the lists that come with Sand Trap. They are a little bit too expensive on the points side of things but I’m working on getting something that I think aligns with the lists available with Sand Trap. But that is going to be more of new year thing. Until then I just want to keep my hand in and get something painted. None of them are going to go to waste because they are all legal for a Yu Jing army so at some stage they will get a run out.
What I want to do with when building up my collection is to make sure I’ve got something for all occasions. Which as far as I can tell so far, and from what I can remember, is really about making sure you have a good mix of specialists, because some missions depend on them. Some line troops so that you can keep the order pool nice and healthy and then some of the elite units, such as drop troops and snipers. These are the units that can really help you control the board. That almost sounds like I know what I’m talking about, but I really don’t. It’s mainly from what I’ve been told from watching games or from what I’ve seen on You Tube. Getting that balance in your list right for the mission you are playing is key. There is no point having lots of heavy hitters and no hacker if the key objective of the game is to hack something. Likewise going all expensive elite options will give you very good units but you won’t have many of them and you won’t have a lot of orders. Go with a mix and you can make one or two elites very effective because you will have a pool of orders they can pull from.
So, I guess that means the Infinity project is looking to rumble forward. But it has come at a price. I’ve lost the mojo to finish my Ork’s at the moment, so I have quire a few partially painted minis sitting there waiting for me to come back to them. I obviously will do some point in the not to distant future. But for now, I’m not feeling them, so they are going to have wait a little bit longer. I think it is because the style of painting is very different, and I find it hard to switch between the two styles. But I’m thinking that what is a blocker at the moment could be real bonus in the not to distant future. That is because I know at some point, I’m going to feel the same way about the Infinity minis so having some different to switch back to will keep me going.
I may also try Al’s approach where he has three very different projects on the go at any one time. That way when he sits down to paint there is always something there that he has the mojo to paint. It’s a great way of stopping yourself from wasting hobby time. I’m sure we have all done it when we sit down for a hobby session and stair blankly at an unloaded paint brush in one hand and mini in the other. Then before you know it the paint of the brush is dry, and you are out of time. Having achieved absolutely nothing. Thankfully I’ve not had too many of those sessions this year but they are always just a session away.
That’s all I have for you this week so until next week keep safe and enjoy whatever the week brings your way. Which I hope is lots of hobby fun.