Weekly Waffle #354 – Ultimate Bad Ass Boyz

Weekly Waffle #354 – Ultimate Bad Ass Boyz

9th November 2024

For this week’s Weekly Waffle I have a few more painted minis for you but I also have a waffle about gaming options. And that is what I’m going to start with. Tuesday night is when our game club meets up and it’s fair to say some of our group have a less than healthy relationship with Kick Starter. The number of new games we have dabbled with is astronomical. But very few have ever found their way into regular game play. On Tuesday a couple of people were talking about trying to get people interested in playing something new. So I thought here we go again but I’m not really interested in picking up a new game. I’m enjoying painting my 40K at the moment and didn’t need anything new. Especially because I also have other games that could benefit from some new minis. Specifically Carnevale, Necromunda and Dystopian Wars. So anything new would just get in the way.

But what if it wasn’t something completely new and I already had some miniature for. That changes the dynamic a little bit because I could get involved without having to pick up any new minis. So after all of that teasing the game in question is Infinity. With Operation Sandtrap due out a few of the guys have decided to get it and have a go at Infinity. I had a dabble back at N3 and I enjoyed the games I played. But at the time we just didn’t play it enough to be able to pick it up and have games that flowed. It’s a complicated game with lots of different rules which needs to be played. I think you can read the rules all you want but until you start to actually play games they don’t sink in.

So I said I already had some minis form trying it before so in theory I don’t need any new minis. I have enough minis to field at least 300 points of Haqqislam or Nomads so there is no need for me to pick up any new minis. But. There is always a but out there. The minis I have are quite old and I think I can paint to a better standard than I could when I got these minis. But you can decide for yourself if you want to have look in my Infinity Gallery. With that in mind I am pondering getting some new minis. Just because they are very nice minis and I think they could be fun to paint.

Now is where the dilemma starts to set in. Do I go with more minis for one of the factions I already have or do I go for something new. I have been pondering this and in particular I’ve been looking on the inter webs to see what people recommend for new players. Based on this and the fact that I’m not that happy with my existing paint jobs so I think I am going to go with some new miniatures.

But I’m not going to go with one of the factions I already have. I did a bit of a search on the old inter webs asking which faction was the best for a new player. Basically what is easiest to pick up, because they are all good but some have a lot more nuance than others. The collective answer from the web pointed me towards You Jing. The consensus seems to be that they are the most forgiving for a new player. Which makes it easier to pick up the game rules and enjoy games. Which is good for me because, and I know this next bit is going to sound mad, I like the idea of painting up a yellow faction. It’s a colour that has scared the living daylights out of me in the past but I think this could be a real turning point for my painting. Embracing something that has previously terrified me. And I think that if done right a yellow army does look very nice. With some blue and green elements in there I think this could be really good to paint.

Now just to mange some expectations. This isn’t going to find its way onto my project list this side of Christmas. It’s going to be something for the new year but I think it’s nice to have something different to look forward to. And I can ask Father Christmas if he can find me some minis for the project.

So the is what I’m looking to paint in the future but what I have been working on this week. Well as the title of the blog suggests it’s been the rest of my Puppets War squad. The Ultimate Bad Ass Squad taken straight out of the colonial marine hand book with their smart gun’s to mow down any aliens they come across. In the hands of an orc that would mean I would be on the receiving end of. But given how bad their shooting can be that may not be as bad as it seems.

The full squad is actually five minis but I’ve only got four of them finished and ready to show you. That isn’t because I haven’t been working on the fifth one but because it is going into a different squad that has a very different paint scheme. And I don’t what to share to much at the moment until I have that squad, or at least a few of them ready to show you. So a teaser there but you will have to wait a little longer to find out just what they are.

From a painting perspective I’ve kept things nice and simple so that they can fit into an existing squad. But I do intend to get more boys from Puppets War and swap out my existing truck boys with new minis. To that end they all have the standard metallic for all of the metal areas and then red as the main colour with blue and in a couple of instances a little bit of yellow. Although I have to say I have used a lot less yellow on these than on some of my other minis. The only thing that will really operate these guys from one another is the colour of the strip on the top of their helmets. I use this as a way of being able to identify which boy belongs in which truck. The trucks all have a stripe that corresponds to the colour on the helmets. That way if you end with a several mobs all in the same area you tell which boy belongs to which mod.

Like most of the orcs I’ve painted of late I haven’t done any weathering on them. This is because I just don’t know how I want them to look at the moment. I really like the slightly cartoon effect they have at the moment and I’m certainly not planning on taking them grim dark. But they are just a little bit to clean so some weathering would look good on them. I just need to decide how much and wha it should look like. That will mean once I make my mind up I can revisit all of them and get them all looking a little more grim but keeping that uniform feel.

But enough of that what do you think of them.

You can see more Ork miniatures at my gallery here.

That’s it for this week. I have no idea what I’m going to try and get completed for next week. i’m just going to go with the flow. So until then I hope you all keep safe, enjoy whatever you have planned for the week and I hope to catch you all back here next Saturday.

Red Rose Wargaming

Trapped Under Plastic

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