Weekly Waffle #348 – Return from the eternal city.

Weekly Waffle #348 – Return from the eternal city.

28th September 2024

For this week’s weekly waffle I thought I would start with an update on where I have been for the last few weeks. This was a planned break for what I consider to be a holiday of a lifetime. Not because of some exotic location or extravagant expense. No this was a holiday of a lifetime because it also goes by the name of a ‘honeymoon’. That’s right folks I’ve gone and got married.

(Picture here)

I’d said a few weeks ago that hobby time was limited due to work and personal commitments and this was the personal one. Even though we had a tiny wedding with just a few family members it’s still taken a hell of a lot of planning. But we have done it now and went on honeymoon to Rome. So as a way of filling out some content I’ll share some stunning pictures from the eternal city. My excuse is they can be a good reference for any fantasy bases or diorama you may have planned. It still really amazes me that you can walk through literally thousands of years of history in the space of a few city blocks. If you haven’t been and you ever get the chance. Which will be easier for some than others, I would highly recommend you to take it.

Next year is a centenary celebration year so there is a lot of work going on in the city with a lot of the major landmarks being covered up for restoration and cleaning. It is planned to be completed this year but for us it meant we had to change things up a bit. We were there in February for the rugby and saw some of the major attractions. So this time was about exploring some of the lesser known ones. But they are in no way less amazing, just not as well known.

We ate some fantastic food, washed down fantastic wine and generally had a really good time. The batteries got recharged and I came back feeling really good. We then did lots of visiting and small trips for the second week which was also really nice.

Going back to work came as something of shock and I have been really busy this week which hasn’t been good for getting hobby time in. I have lots of things to be working on just not a lot of time to be working on them. So I decided to keep things simple so that I had some hobby update for you.

I have continued to work on my grots with one that have had for quite some time new but it’s not seen the light of day. Hence why it was in my pile of shame. This time it’s curtesy of Wargame Exclusive and it grot tv. Let’s face it, whilst grot riggers can come up with some fantastic creations they aren’t the sharpest tools in the box. And this is a really good example of that. But it is a fantastic, flavour full miniatures.

Who isn’t going to love a grot sitting on a bomb, in the tv. Or at least it’s in the tv if you look from the right direction. From a painting perspective I’ve kept things simple with a metallic base and then my standard red colour scheme with blue and yellow highlights. So it is in keeping with the rest my army.

You can see more Ork miniatures at my gallery here.

I think this is one of the most characterful minis I have painted in a long time and it will fit right in with some of the other weird and wonderful grots that I have. In game terms it will just be normal grot so maybe doesn’t fit the horde moving across the battlefield but I don’t really care. It just looks good.

Also on the hobby front I’ve spend some time cleaning up minis and getting them ready for building. These are the Puppets War minis I ordered a while ago so I’m slowly working my way through that box. Not letting it turn into a new pile of shame. To be fair it’s taking me longer to get them finished than I originally thought but I’m enjoying what I’m doing and that for me is a really big thing. Not getting burned out because you feel you have to much to do.

On the Puppets War front have a few more minis in mind which I think I’m going to get ordered. It takes them quite a while to be delivered so if I get them in now I should just about have finished my current batch when they turn up. There are some things that I have been waiting for them to add to their resin collection that I’m no begging to think may never make the move. So I may have to have pick up the digital files and see if I can get somewhere to print them for me.

On the new stuff front they have also teased some pictures of an upcoming creation and it’s no surprise it really like it. Although it’s something that up until now has somehow passed me by. It’s the teenage mutant ninja turtles a bus. I’m of an age where these guys just sailed right by me so I had no idea about the bus. It look like it could be fun build so that may also get added to my future list. But for now it’s just a few more regular Ork ideas.

I’m going to warp things up here for this week. I know it’s a little bit of shorter update than normal and give the fact I’ve just had three weeks off you could have expected a little bit more. But I’m hopping now that things are back to normal I should be able to give you more of an update next week. Until then I hope you all keep safe and any anything and everything that you are doing.


Red Rose Wargaming

Trapped Under Plastic

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