Weekly Waffle #347 – Little Flash Dance

Weekly Waffle #347 – Little Flash Dance

31st August 2024

For this week’s weekly waffle I have tried to get some of the admin side of the post done early and I’ve made better use of my commute so that I wasn’t at the last minute this morning. I’d like to think that I’ve done a reasonable job with no last minute updates or changes needed. So time management one oh one for this week got off to a good start.

I’ve also spent some time on the commute reading and looking at the pictures of an AK interactive weathering book. I’m conscious that my attempts at weathering at the moment are some what hit and miss. I’d like to think that what I do with my necromunda minis is characterful but that hasn’t really found its way into my 40K. Most of that I think is down to having a lot of miniatures already that don’t have much in the way of weathering. Mainly because when I painted them I didn’t really know how to. Not that I really know now. But I don’t want to end up with miniatures that don’t look like they belong together and I also don’t want to spoil any work I have already done to that point. So the idea of getting the book is to try and increase my knowledge and confidence with weathering my 40K collection. With the ultimate goal being to get everything looking like one cohesive army.

With regards to what I have actually managed to do this week I have once again continued with the Kromlech Goblin Aides. With what I’m considering to be a welder. Once again the idea with this guy is that he either go in an alternative Grot squad or can be used as a rigger or gun crew or just as a filler for another model.

Painting wise nothing has changed so I’m not going to go through it all again. If you are new to blog I have given some details in previous posts so you can see all the details there. Needless to say I’ve done everything the same so he fit right in wherever he needs to.

You can see more Ork miniatures at my gallery here.

I’ve only got the three completed so far but I’m liking how they have turned out. And with a little bit of imagination I think I can fill the out nicely. Just imagine the absolute fear that a squad of twenty of these guys charging across the battlefield would instil in your opponent. Ok fear my be a but strong and hilarity may be more accurate. But a distraction is a distraction so they can still be useful.

So that’s three down, many more to go.

I have been looking a quite a few alternatives Grot models that I could use in the future but I am struggling to find enough to fill out a full squad. A lot of what is available seem to come in squads of ten. But because they are 3D printed there isn’t an easy way to mix and match them into a bigger squad without duplicates. It doesn’t mean I can’t do it but I need to have something of a plan before I start or I’ll just end up with piles of bits and nothing finished. And there are some really nice options out there for a couple of unique squads.

My thoughts at the moment are centred around them fitting in with a speed freak army. At least in looks if not game play. So one squad would be made up of riggers with all manner of tools for weapons. The other would all have jump pack in imitation of a storm boy squad. I think both of these would work on a thematic level and that is what I really want. All style over substance with these guys. And of course at the end of the day grits in the table top are just filler. They are annoying enough that they can’t be completely ignored. But at the same time if you don’t deal with them they can be a real pain in the ass. At least for a round or two. Either way I like them and that is all the motivation I need to paint them.

I have also been playing around with another idea for a Deff Dread creation. I have my bendy dread that looks like it could fit in to a speed freak army. But that is something of a one off, although I would like to have another go at that build. And it was whilst I was thinking about that that I came across some other ideas. I follow an artist called Patrick Wagesreither on instagram and he has some wonderful creations. One of them is basically a ball with a central track which is a tank. This got me thinking that this idea could be tweaked to provide a nice Deff Dread design. It would have to have a mix of close combat and ranged weapons to work properly but that is most common configuration anyway. So you would have a ball with a track running around its circumference. Then on the opposite poles to where the track is running you would have the close combat arms sticking out and then just to either side of the track you would have your ranged weapons. Add lots of bolt, exhausts and general ork gubbins and I think you will have a very nice, alternative looking Deff Dread. But the real winner would be that it will look fast. Or at least a lot faster than a standard dread.

So that just about sums up my hobby work and ideas for this week. There won’t be any update next week or for the next three weekends. Don’t worry I haven’t lost my mojo or anything like that. I have a big personal weekend next week and then I’m on holiday for two weeks. So rather than trying to schedule some half finished content I’m going to have a break. Then once I’m back I will be able to carry on where I left off. Hopefully refreshed and ready to go again. It will also give me a chance to share a few holiday photos with you under the auspices of it being a waffle. But I don’t want you to think I have disappeared and given up on the site. That is very firmly not the case and I think when I give you an update once I’m back you will understand why I had the break. And it’s not because of some underlying disaster or anything like that. It all very positive.

Until next time I hope you hall have some fantastic hobby time. Stay safe and will hopefully see you all again in a few weeks.

Red Rose Wargaming

Trapped Under Plastic

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