Weekly Waffle #317 – Don’t cross the streams

Weekly Waffle #317

13th January 2024

So I’ve made it to the second weekend of the year with another update to the weekly waffle for you which I’m going to class as a positive. The bug news for this week is that Adepticon tickets are secure and I managed to get some of the hobby seminars I wanted to do. I’ve opted to do a lot less on this front this year and so that I can spend more time just smooching around. Mainly being more sociable and looking for inspiration.

There have been a few changes to the registration process this year. The one that really perked my interest was the ability to have your tickets posted out ahead of time so you didn’t have to queue. Unfortunately that isn’t available to those of us on this side of the pond so Wednesday night is going to spent in a queue for a ticket.

All that being said Sunday evening in the UK was still a fraught experience. I was ready go with registration but took me five minutes to be able to log in and that time cost me dearly. A lot of the things I want to do were already booked out. But I did manage to get a ticket and a few of the things that were on. My list. I’ve joined the waiting list for others so not a complete wash out. And I’m still really looking forward to going. I’d already said I wanted to do more mooching around and now that will be possible.

I think I might start doing a separate set of posts like have done in the past just about Adepticon. Although I don’t have loads of content so it may be a rework of what ends up in the Waffle, or vis versa.

On the hobby front I have a couple of projects to share with you but they are still works in progress. Or at least the bases are which is why I think they are good to share.

The first of these is another Puppets War creation where they are clearly drawing inspiration from eighties films. This time the film is Ghost Busters and the car is ecto 1. This is another really cool miniature that I just had to have a go at it. It’s a 3D printed model and there are only two parts to the body and the a few extra bits that make up the roof rack and ladders at the back. Everything was really crisp and clean up was easy. Although there are lots of little support pieces so you need to take your time and be methodical with the clean up or you will miss bits.

It was then dilemma time again. I really don’t like painting white but this just wouldn’t look right in any other colour. So white it was and I relied on the air brush to do all the heavy lifting. Then I just had to be really careful painting all the details because I had no idea how I would touch up the white if I got it wrong. Fortunately this went quite well and it was an opportunity to add a bit of colour in the form of some red, blue and yellow so that it had a tie in with my existing models. This all worked out ok and I was really happy with how it turned out.

However, even though I was happy it just looked a little bit too clean. So I decided to try and use some oils to weather it up a bit. I’ve only used oils a couple of times before but I was really happy with how they worked on my Ad Mech so I decided to just go for it. I sealed everything up with a gloss varnish and then used some AK Interactive weathering grim. But instead of covering the whole model I just kept it to the lower half. Then I just cleaned it up a bit from the top down and I have to say I am really pleased with how it turned out. I really do need to start make more use of oils.

At the end of all that i just need to base it but I don’t have one that is the right size at the moment so that is on order. But base not withstanding I think this is a really good addition to my Ork boys. If I ever start playing 40K again.

Orco-One Orco-One Orco-One Orco-One Orco-One Orco-One Orco-One Orco-One

Also on the collecting but not actually playing I have some Ork Deff Koppters curtesy of Artel Miniatures. And by that I mean I bought them not that they were sent to me. I’m far too insignificant for that sort of treatment. Like Puppet Wars I think the people over at Artel are coming up with some really nice models. Something that for me seems to lacking from GW. Or at least it is if you aren’t looking at space marines.

There are a few different weapon options with these along with a few ways of magnetising them which I took full advantage of. It just means they can look a little different each time you field them. The weapon options are for guns or rockets in the side pods and there are even a couple pods with grot gunners on them which are a nice touch.

I’ve got the bulk of the work done on these but they still need a few details finishing off along with some weathering, and of course the bases. The bases are something of challenge for me because they come with a type of smoke plume that fits in the bottom of the model but it just looks a bit too rounded for me. What I might do is paint them up and see wha they look like but the second option is to build some from model railway foliage and superglue like I did for my storm boys. Well actually giving credit where credit is due it was Pete who build them for me, but they do look good. So I may have to pick up some cheap super glue and have go myself.

Overall though I’m liking how they have turned out and I think they will fit in well with the rest of my army. They may never actually appear on the table top with my lack of actual gaming but it’s been fun painting them and that is really I get my hobby fix at the moment.

Airborn Shokk Skwad Airborn Shokk Skwad Airborn Shokk Skwad Airborn Shokk Skwad Airborn Shokk Skwad Airborn Shokk Skwad Airborn Shokk Skwad Airborn Shokk Skwad Airborn Shokk Skwad Airborn Shokk Skwad Airborn Shokk Skwad Airborn Shokk Skwad

THat’s it for this week’s weekly waffle and I have things lined up for next week so fingers crossed I will make it three out of three weekends in a row. I will say now that there won’t be an update on the weekend of the 3rd of February because I’m going to watch the Italy vs England game of the Six Nations in Rome. Which I’m classing as a legitimate reason for not being able to do an update.

So until next weekend keep yourselves safe, have fun whatever you are up to and I really hope to see you all back here again next week.

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