Weekly Waffle #314

Weekly Waffle #314

8th April 2023

This weeks weekly waffle has been all about the Orlocks and I’ve impressed myself with the progress I’ve made. Granted that isn’t very hard but still I’m impressed. So what have actually managed to get done this week. I’ve doubled the number of gangers and introduced a host of new weapon options is what I’ve done.

First up we have the Arms Masters I showed you last week that now have colour on them and ready for the table top. Although I haven’t given them any names yet. A couple of parts swapped around and I’m really happy with how they have turned out. I think they really fit the feel of what I think an Arms Master in the gang would look like.

Then we have the Cyber Mastiff’s to keep them company. These are really dynamic minis and there were lots of parts left over from building them. Just not the right ones to be able to kit bash another out of them. But that might be a future project.

Next up are the Wreckers. I really like the look of these guys but after reading the rules for them I’m not sure just how useful they will be. But they do look cool. I’ve built up three of them with a static build and tried to cover all bases. The fourth I’ve played around with a little and magnetised the arms. Basically I wanted to give him two hand flamers because they look really cool. But as he can only use one per turn it’s a bit pointless so I’ve given myself the option of looking cool or being somewhat useful. But in all my excitement I’ve not yet finished the arms.

Now normally for me that would have been a very productive week. But I’ve really got carried away and added another eight gangers with some special weapon options. All painted up the same way but I have tried to make sure I didn’t use the same heads on the same as I did first time round. Basically I just wanted them all to look a bit different. Now I’ve only gone with special weapons and deliberately left out the heavies. Because I have a different idea for how I want to introduce them. But that will be a future project. There are also only eight of them because I’ve used the other two bodies out of the box to kitbash up a couple of different characters.

That’s it for this week and I don’t have a lot planned for next week. I have the two characters I talked about which are an Ammo Jack and the bounty hunter Wilcox “Wild Snake” Cinder Jack. I’ve got most of the bits I need for them so there is a good chance I can have them finished for next week. But I am still trying to find the right heads for them so that is the one thing that could scupper my plans.

Anyway I hope that those of you who have the bank holiday weekend off are making the most of it. The weather here isn’t raining so that counts as beer garden weather and is where I’ll be spending some time. Purely to get some much needed vitamin D. So until next week keep safe and enjoy whatever you get up to.


You can also check out the clubs YouTube Channel at Red Rose Wargaming for more content.

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