Weekly Waffle #313

Weekly Waffle #313

2nd April 2023

So in this weeks weekly waffle I have a double header of projects underway. Carrying on from last week I couldn’t resist picking up the Arms Master and Wrecker’s box for the Orlocks. I know they aren’t necessarily the best in game selections but they just look cool. Who can’t resist some cool guy in a servo harness and his mates with jump pack. Clearly not me. The other piece of work this week has been to expand on the Ork Bikers by adding a Warboss on a trike. So a very Orkie week but a lot of variety.

Starting with the Orlocks with the exception of the ranged Arms Master I’ve just put things together as per the instructions. Although I’ve done a bit of research on line which has influenced the weapon choices I went with. I really have no idea just how I will use them in a game so for three of them I’ve gone down a sensible route and given them a pistol and close combat weapon. The idea being to swap out the CCW for a flail at some point in the future when I can find a part that looks good. For the last one I’ve gone a bit crazy because it’s no use in a game and given them two hand flamers. Just because I think it looks really cool. But I do know that they can only use them both at the same time. So if i did field them in a game it would be a very expensive model to use.

When it came to the Arms Master’s I’ve built one up with the Arc hammer as standard but I’ve gone a little different with the shot gun guy. I really liked the servo harness and there are enough parts in the box to give it to both options. A little bit of dry fitting showed that the shotgun arm would still work so that was a n brainier for me. Then whilst I was putting all the spare bits from the basic gang box in a baggie for future project I came across the bionic arm. A dry fit showed it worked perfectly so that was it. Just one bit that wasn’t part of the box and I have an Arms Master that I think looks really cool. I know that it’s not game legal but it is cool and I’m sure the guys in club will be ok with me using him as a standard Arms Master.

The colour scheme will be exactly the same as the gangers I’ve already got and I think they will be a nice addition. I’m really enjoying painting these at the moment and I’ve got a few of other ideas I want to play around with. There are a few characters in the House of Iron that could be easily kit bashed up like a Grease Monkey and the Amo guy. There is also a merc with a flamethrower that could be an easy option so I’d like to have a go at them. I’ve also seen some Gene Stealer cultists used as miners which I think ties in really well with Orlocks so I might have to look for a cheap box. Then using all the bits I have left over coupled with the weapon expansions and there could be some really interesting minis there.

On the other side of the Ork name I’ve been working on a trike to go along with my existing bikes. I’ve only made a couple of quite simple changes but I think they completely change the feel and tie in with the bikes. So I’ve swapped out the front end to use the same front wheel which is the real tie in. Then I’ve swapped out the jet engine, because I have other plans for that, for a V8. Throw in a coup of fuel tanks, one for the trike and one for the boss and there you go. It’s still in bits at the moment but a dry fit gives a good feel for how it should look when it’s all finished. The bass still needs building but it’s getting there.

That’s it for this week. I think it’s been a good week with a couple of different projects keeping me interested. I have a few ideas for future projects on both sides of the aisle at the moment. With different colour schemes and styles to keep the variety I’m feeling in a good mojo space at the moment. No deadlines to overwhelm me and enough variety to keep the interest levels up and all is well in the hobby world.

So I hope you have a happy and productive week whatever you have planned. I’m planning to get some colour on the Orlocks so if you want to see how the end up looking pop back next weekend for an update.


You can also check out the clubs YouTube Channel at Red Rose Wargaming for more content.

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