Weekly Waffle #312

Weekly Waffle #312

25th March 2023

I missed last week because I got caught up in a side project that came out of game night last Tuesday. Corey and Alex had been finishing off a game of Necromunda and I really liked Corey’s Orlocks especially the wreckers. Up until then I had been working on some more Orks, in particular some Ard boys. But I put these to one side after game night and I ventured into my pile of shame. Quite some time ago I had a bit of Necromunda spurge so I knew that I had some Orlocks somewhere. Along with a bit of an idea I was buzzing to ding them and start something new.

With the Orlocks in hand I got straight to work building and cleaning them up. I went with the standard build on the instructions. Once based I primed them black and the gave them a dry brush of grey followed by a second of white. My aim with these was to get them painted quickly which for me is using contrast paints to do a lot of the work. Then to give them a strong edge highlight to try and give them some extra pop on the table top.

We had been talking about highlighting at games night and in particular using a much lighter colour than you would expect. I normally try and do something that resembles blending. Granted it never really looks that good but that is the thinking behind what I’m trying to do. This time though I really pushed the contrast with no thought of blending.

The result was what I was hoping for, or at least I think it is. When you look at them up close they don’t look that good. But I do think that when you step back a bit and look at them as you would on the table top they look quite good. At least I think they do.

The colours might not be to everyone’s taste but I like them and think they give a bit of pop. I did think about giving everything a black oil wash but once I’d given them a mat varnish I decided not to. I didn’t want to make them to dark and i always have the option of doing this at some point in the future if change my mind.

Here are some individual pictures of the gang.

I’m now itching to have a go at painting up some Wrecker’s although I understand they aren’t that good in game. But they do look cool and that’s all the excuse I need to paint something.

Away from my hobby projects it’s Adepticon this weekend and I’m really jealous of all those who have been able to make it this year. I’m eagerly soaking up all the content I can and it looks like it’s back to normal. I was there last year and whilst I enjoyed it, it was a bit flat in comparison to previous years. But this year it really does like everything is back to normal. Lots going on and I hope that everyone there has a fantastic time. I’m hoping to back myself in the not to distant future. Will have to start warming people up the idea and who knows this time next year we may be back in the States.

That’s it for this week but you can rest assured I have a few projects on the go all with the word Ork in them. I’m not sure which one will come to fore for this week but I’m certainly hoping to have some new content for you next week. Until then keep safe, have fun and I hope see you all back here again next week.


You can also check out the clubs YouTube Channel at Red Rose Wargaming for more content.

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