Weekly Waffle #310

Weekly Waffle #310

11th February 2023

I know I missed last weeks weekly waffle but that was simpIy because I was socialising and didn’t get chance to to write an update. Work has been manic as well but I did manage to get a little bit of hobby time in. This week has been much the same but a little bit heavier on the work front and not quite as much social time. I finally managed to make it to game night last week although the timing was a bit tight. But I made it and that’s what counts. I didn’t get any gaming in but I’ve pencilled in a game of Carnivale in the not to distant future. But more on that later.

So game night was interesting because I got a flavour of Kill Team between Word Bearer’s and some Ad Mech Rangers. I have to say that it looked very one sided and I thought Pete’s Rangers we’re going to get hammered. But it turns out that Rangers can throw out a lot of fire power. Early on the game the Word Bearers we’re doing well but the second they stepped out of cover they were decimated. Some of the special rules for the Ad Mech weapons are truly frightening. I don’t know if that is just in Kill Team but dropping a Marine with something like eight wounds in a single shot was impressive. Granted that was from a special weapon but even the basic rifles can do some serious damage. The top and bottom of it was that the Word Bearers were wiped out leaving the Ad Mechs to pick up all of the remaining objectives and claim the win. It was of real interest to me as I have a squad of kit bashed Rangers so I might have to give them a run out.

Now even though I didn’t manage to get a game in I’ve agreed to a rematch for Carnivale, I just need to sort out the timing. We didn’t manage to get a game in this week because our illustrious host was a bit under the weather. And I’m away for work next week so lining that game may take a few weeks. But it is going to happen.

On the hobby front I’ve just been plodding away at the Enlightened fleet. I’ve not had a great deal of hobby time but I’m still on schedule to have the table top ready for the end of the month. I think it’s the same when you are painting any sort of unit that I becomes a bit repetitive but you just have to keep on plodding along. One of the more timely jobs is getting adding the water effect. It looks good when it’s done, or at least I think it does, but it is a fiddly job with no shot cuts. But once it’s done it makes the models look like they are nearly ready.

The lighter spots on the water effect are where it is still curing. Then once it has properly cured I will add some white to the top of the waves to give it that finishing touch.

I’m not sure how much I will be able to get done next week because I’m travelling for work most of the week so hobby time will be very limited. However I’m going to be spending quite a bit of time on the train so I may end up with a straight out waffle next week.

That’s it for this week. A small update but I’m trying not to get lazy when I don’t have lots of images to share and just give you what I have. I hope you all have a good weekend and hope to catch you all again next week.

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