Weekly Waffle #292

Weekly Waffle #292

19th March 2022

Well the big update for today is that I’m all packed and ready for my trip across the pond which is duper to start on Monday. But I still have to go through the pre-flight covid testing process, which is actually tomorrow, in order to get the all clear to be able to fly. All the time and effort, not to mention expense, to get everything booked and I still might not be able to fly. Don’t get me wrong I understand why the checks are in place and I’ve done everything i can this week to avoid putting myself in a situation where I could pick something up, but it’s still a worry. I never really feel like I’m on my holiday until I’ve got through the check in and security process and this year because there is no direct flight I think I won’t really believe I’m going until the Chicago flight actually takes off, with me onboard. Because of the time difference we are due to land early in the afternoon so by the time we clear customs with the obligatory, “What is the purpose of your visit to the US today sir?” whilst looking back and forth between screen and passport. Only to show interest when I say “I’m here to play toy soldiers’. We should be in our hotel in Chicago by early evening now that we are old hands at navigating the El. The plan is then to have a couple of nights in Chicago before heading up / over to Schaumburg for the event. Or at least that is the plan and I really don’t want to think about what will happen if I’m not allowed to fly.

Prior to covid I used to travel a lot for work, all be it only within the UK, so I’ve become something of a packing ninja and only take what I think I will really need. The result is that I can things. Down to a size where I could probably get way with out checking any luggage and just go with carry on, at least on the way out. But I know I will be bringing things back so it’s expandable bag time. Nice and small for the way out and extra space for the contents of the swag bag and anything else I may just happen to pick up whilst I’m away. I know it’s a bit sad but I do get a bit of buzz out of a packing job well done, and I consider this a job well done. Everything I need for just over a week away at a hobby event with everything I need all packed up into a 45 litre bag.


With all the uncertainties around the testing tomorrow I’ve been trying to take my mind off thing by working hard to get all of my existing Iyandan models completed. In addition to just wanting to get these finished and proving to myself that I can actually work on a project from start to finish, I also wanted to get them finished because I knew that if everything goes ok with the testing I will be bringing lots of new projects back with me. So with that in mind I’ve been working to get these guys all wrapped up and ready to rumble. I did run out of time in the end though so I have only completed one set of arms, the axe and shield are part done but will have to wait to finished off. There are a lot of things that could be better and I may even revisit them at a later stage to do some touch ups but overall I’m happy that they fit the brief of being game ready and I would be more than happy to put them on the table.

I’ve also had something of a surprise this week, and that was a good tripe of surprise. To set the screen here I had been looking for a Bonesinger to go along with my. Wraiths but Games Workshop no longer appear to make the model and when you look on-line people are asking for thirty plus pounds for a single model. Now I like the model but I’m not prepared to pay that sort of money for a single model. So I had been looking at alternative models and came across the Warchanters Choir from Artel W Miniatures. This would give me five models for not much more than a single Bonesinger. I have had quite a few models from Artel over the last few years and love what they are doing, everything I have had from them has been first class. The only negative I have, based on my personal experience has been that it takes on average about six weeks for delivery, but I expect this when I place an order and usually buy the time the order turns up I’ve forgotten about it and it’s a nice surprise. So the surprise for this week was that I ordered the Warchangers Choir last week and it arrived early this week. I don’t know what was different with this order and I’m not going to get my hopes up for future orders, and there will be more in the future. But it has been a nice surprise this week. Although now they are here I’m not actually going to do anything with them for a few weeks. Obviously I’m supposed to be away next week and I may have a few extra projects on my return, but what I am hoping to do is to use some of the new skills I’m hoping to learn on these guys. So that’s more content on the plan and if I really get my act together I might even be able to get a couple of painting guides out of them. My last thing here would bet say that if anyone out there is looking for alternative models, for gaming or even just as a project I would highly recommend having a look at what Artel has to offer, and no I’m not affiliated with them in any way. I just really like a lot of what they are currently making.

That’s all I have for you this week, fingers crossed next weeks waffle will be coming to you from Adepticon, pre-flight medical checks permitting. Assuming things are all ok and I can travel then I’m not really sure just what shape next weeks update will take. I will either have lots of content and a good internet connection which will allow me to share it with you. Or I will have lots of content and a bad internet connection so I’ll only be able to give you a holding update. Also if the trip goes ahead I’m hoping to give you lots of little updates during the week just to keep you abreast of how the trip is going. Unit then keep safe and keep popping back for regular updates.

One last thing, if you going to be at Adepticon this year and you want to catch up for a chat and / or a beer leave me comment and we can try and make that happen. And if you can’t make it but want me to try and cover something for you again leave me a comment and I will see what I can do for you.

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