Weekly Waffle #287

I’m going to start off this week with an apology for anyone who was hoping to see some Dystopian Wars minis with some paint on them. That was my plan for this week but things have taken a bit of swerve on the hobby front. I had been tidying up my workspace which doubles up as my workspace at the moment, but that resulted in me moving the Dystopian Wars box and uncovering some other prepped miniatures. That mixed in with me finally catching up on the Expanse has meant the Dystopian Wars minis haven’t been touch so I’m sorry for that but it does give you something to look forward to in the not too distant future.

Before I cover off what little I have been doing this week on the hobby front I have to make a recommendation for something to watch on the TV and that is the Expanse. For me it’s one of the best sci-fi series ever made which has just come to the end of session 5 and it has been confirmed that there will be a session 6. It has a really good story arc, some fantastic characters and even the sciences isn’t to fare out with no faster than light travel and no artificial gravity. If you get the chance I would recommend that you give it a go.

With that little diversion out of the way what have a been up to on the hobby front. Well in-between episodes of the Expanse I’ve picked up a couple of Guild Ball miniatures just because they caught my eye. I know this is breaking the guidelines I laid out at the start of the year about finishing projects before I start something new. But rules are there for guidance so I’ve done this consciously just so that I did get some hobby in this week.  I didn’t quite get them finished but they aren’t far away so I’ve got Ballista and Locus for you. The red is on there because that is meant to try and align them with the faction colour on the cards. The other colours have been used to try and pick out the fact that they are engineers with lots of wood and metal colours. With the game no longer being supported they may not see the light of day in a game but it’s been fun painting them.

A short update for you this week but I’m trying to just keep rolling along with my hobby and just as importantly keeping the updates coming. On that front I’m hoping to get back on track with Dystopian Wars next week. Until then I hope you all keep safe, enjoy your hobby time and I hope to catch up with you all again next week.

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