Weekly Waffle #264

Things are still a little mixed up in my world at the moment but I’ve been making a conscious effort to get some hobby time in this week so that I had something for this weeks weekly waffle. As much as a way of taking my mind off other things as for any real desire to get anything completed. Because my hobby desk has now become my work desk I’ve started using my lunch break to get a bit of hobby time in. It’s not a lot but over the week it builds up. It also has the added bonus of me actually taking a lunch break and not just plodding on with work. I’ve actually put a slot in my work calendar so that I don’t forget and also so that no one else tries to steal the time away from me. All in all, it’s working out quite nicely. The lunch session coupled with a short session at the end of the day before I make tea is working out nicely and I’ve actually made some nice progress this week.

The focus has been on completing the work on truck number two so that I can get it into paint. I had hit a bit of road block getting the truck bed completed but I just decided that it had to be finished in one of my lunch sessions and that’s what I did. A nice mini deadline to focus the mind where I just got on with building something rather than overthinking it which is what I had been doing for the last couple of weeks. Was really happy with it by the end of the session and by the end of the next day I had the extra details on it along with a host of bolts that finished it off.

With the trukk bed finished I only had a few bits of details to finish with the bumper being the most visible. Again I stopped over thinking it and just made something which fits with the overall aesthetic I was looking for. It is different enough from trukk one that they don’t look like they came off an Imperial production line but look enough like each other to say the same rigger made them both. The engine was already built and painted so the whole thing is now that much closer to being finished.

I would normally have some pictures here for you but at the moment every time I try to upload anything I’m getting a ‘fatal error’. Now I’m still alive but if my computer comes up with this one time it might not be. So for the sake of my sanity and my bank balance as I don’t want to have to by a new computer I’m gong to give up. I will get this resolved and will either update this post or what will probably happen is that I will add the images to next week. Assuming I can actually fix things by then.

The plan for this one is to go red but with a yellow stripe, that way if I ever get round to painting up some boyz to go along with trukk giving them colour accents to match their trukks is a good way of identifying the squads. But that is getting ahead of myself, for now it’s just going to be about finishing this truck. Although having said that I’m thinking about how I can adapt a Grot crewed Mek Gun to work with the trukk. Either by removing the truck bed and mounting it directly onto the trukk or by having it towed behind the trukk. One to ponder or the not too distant future I think.

That’s it for this week. I’ll start to get some paint on this for next week and if I keep my lunchtime dates I’m hopeful I will have it nearly finished for next week. Until then keep safe and I hope to catch you all again next weekend.

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