Weekly Waffle #247

It’s been a busy week this week but not very productive from a hobby point of view. In fact, it’s been an absolute wash out on that front as I haven’t played, built or painted anything. I’ve not even picked up a paint brush this week. Not that I have lost my mojo or anything like that I’ve just been doing other things. The start of week had doing quite a bit of travel for work so I missed out on game night although I did get to travel on a shiny new train. Now this may sound like a very odd thing to say but if you live in the north west of England and have to use a train then you are at the mercy of Northern Rail. That normally means that time on what they refer to as trains is usually a damp, miserable experience. All down to the Pacer trains that they run on our lines which are basically 1960’s bus body bolted, rather loosely, onto some train wheels and away you go. When they were introduced decades ago they were only ever intended to be in use for a couple of years but we still have them. Now Northern have to get rid of them this year and some of the new stock has started to appear on the line. Even that has a catch though as it’s actually stock that Scot Rail are replacing so we still getting hand me downs. But compared to a Pacer these new ones, I have no idea what type they are, are wondrous. Now if they could just turn up on time and not cancel every third train commuting may not be such a chore.

When I’ve not been commuting I’ve been trying to resolve some issue I’ve had with the site. Nothing that is visible but I’ve been having a lot of issue trying to update content and images in particular have been a real struggle. I started with the basics by removing and reinstalling some of the offending plugins but I’ve then ended up having to delve into things and start updating bits of code. This isn’t something I really know how to do so it’s involved a lot of time searching good old YouTube looking for tutorials. Then actually trying to translate what they are doing to the way I’ve got things set up. The site is still up so I’ve not messed things up and to be fair I’ve even managed to fix most of the issues. The only thing I still have to fix is more of a nice to have and is linked to me trying to make it easier to do updated whilst I’m on the go. My thinking here is that with Adepticon coming up at the end of March I would like to be able to update the site directly from my mobile. Without having to update my text and photos separately and then use the web interface to produce the post. My aim is to do everything on one device and upload it in one go so that it publishes automatically. It won’t be the end of the world if I can’t get it to work and I’m still planning on doing daily updates, it would just make things a bit slicker and allow me to spend a bit more time at the bar.

That’s it for this week’s somewhat spars update but I’m certainly going to get some hobby time in next week, regardless of whether I’ve resolved the issues with the site or not. If I don’t start doing some work on the Grot Bots I’m never going to get them done in time and the timings are already looking very tight so I can’t afford to waste any more time. I hope you all enjoy whatever  you have planned in for the next week and I’ll be back with an update, hopefully with a bit more content, next week.

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