Weekly Waffle #213

It’s been a really productive week from this this week but unfortunately I don’t actually have a lot of things that I can share with you because they are unsubstantial. So I’ll start with the things that I don’t have pictures or anything like that to share with you.

As I mentioned last week we had some discussions about how our D&D adventure was going to progress and I’m pleased to say that we got everything sorted. We had a really good session and got our party back on line. We’ve picked up a new member of our party and things are looking good. This is where my somewhat intangible work comes in. I’ve been doing a lot of city maps for Anna our DM as it’s something I enjoy doing and it doesn’t spoil the game for anyone as these a just map that she can then play around with and drop into the game. It’s not like I’m going to remember the layouts of all of them and suddenly become some super guide running us through the back streets of town to avoid danger. That and the fact that my character is so quick on his feet the others just wouldn’t be able to keep up.

The other thing that has become my default job is to document the progress of the party and I have note book where I right up the details of the adventure to date, at least as far as my character is concerned. And it’s this sort of creative writing that has been keeping me busy this week. As a way of trying to keep all her world information together Anna has set things up in World Anvil and has roped me into helping with a few things. Nothing that gives me a heads up as to what is happening in the game so it still stays fresh for me. Rather things that help fill out the world, those things that are often taken for granted but if someone asks about it or our adventure takes us in that direction there is something there for her to use. So I’ve been working on something that I have a little experience in and that is creating ‘Taverns’. Yes, that’s right I’ve spent a lot of this week coming up with names for and the layouts of taverns and I have to say it’s a lot more work than I originally thought.

The thing with World Anvil is that it wants to link things together so that it builds the world for you as to progress. So if you want to build a tavern it’s not as simple as just coming up with a name and description. For starters it needs staff, or at least it needs a landlady or landlord, you also need to decide where it is going to be located so it needs a settlement. Then because you need to create these things they have links that they need in order to be created so things can soon spiral out of control. So I’ve managed to come up with a system I think will work, but only time will tell. I’ve managed to set things up so that instead of needing a location for the tavern I have set up holding pot where they all live. That way I don’t have to worry about building settlements and it means Anna can take these generic creations and slot them into whichever location she wants. I haven’t managed to find a way to get round creating the staff but I have found a real cool website that helps generate NPC’s so I’ve making use of this to frame out this part of the process.

I’ve managed to come with about half a dozen so far which has been really enjoyable. I’m not sure if any of them will find their way as is into our adventure but the idea was to do the donkey work of creating them so that Anna can fine tune them to fit in with whatever devious scheme she has planned for us. So a lot of enjoyable time spent doing this but not a lot to share with you guys.

Now onto something I can share with you and that is the work I have been doing on the Warboss. Because of all the other stuff I’ve been doing I’ve not managed to get him finished but I have quite a bit more done so I would say he is about 90% done. Although for me that last 10% often takes the longest to get done. Having said that I’m still enjoying paint this with the exception of needing some more gubbins on the base I know exactly what I want to do with it and it’s just a question of fitting the time in to do it.


That’s it for this week. Think we may have another D&D session on Sunday but I have to say I’ve completely lost track of what we have planned and what I’ve imagined. Regardless of that I will get some more work done on the Boss and you’ll just have to pop back next week to see how much I actually manage to do. So until then have a great week and I’ll catch you all again next week.


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