Weekly Waffle #212

I’ll start this week with an apology for not doing an update last week and it’s not because I was off on some fantastic adventure but rather that I had a stinking cold and was feeling sorry for myself. In other words, I’d not done anything all week and I just couldn’t be bothered. Now just to set expectations for this week I’ve not got a great deal done but I do have enough to bring you an update on what I think is a really nice model and I’ve also got a bit of a waffle for you as well.

So let’s start with the model and this is the potential warboss from Artel miniatures. Now I say potential as I don’t know if I can bring myself to relegate my existing Forgeworld Runt Bot from the mantel of mighty leader to a mere Nob. But regardless how it ends up being used it is a really nice model and has been joy to paint so far. I’ve made a simple decking base for it but I think this will get a bit more debris on it before it’s finished as it looks a little bland at the moment. As for the model itself it’s been a joy to paint so far and I’ve gone with my standard red and blue colour as the idea is that whatever I end up using it for it will find a way into my existing army so it needs to fit in. Considering I’ve not spent a lot of time on it this week progress has been ok with the arms and legs being nearly completed so I’m hoping it won’t take too long to get the rest of it completed.


That’s been it for the hobby so I wanted to touch on a bit of D&D and more specifically the dynamics of the group. We have been running our current adventure for about a year now and in that time things have changed quite a bit. The overarching plot that our DM has produced has remained the same and we have had lots of side adventures that have bene led by things individual characters have wanted to do along the way. This has seen our characters develop and in several cases people have decided that they aren’t happy with their character and have swapped them out for a different one. In some cases, it was because they have been killed, others were because players couldn’t make it to games so phased a character out of the story or simply because they wanted a change. As a group of friends nothing has changed people just wanted a change.

So of the original group of characters who set out on this adventure last year only two are still part of the main party. My monk is one of these but over that year he has essentially become so entwined with Al’s character that now that character is no long part of the main party I have no idea how to play my character. Now this is where things got a bit interesting. Having learnt a lot about the game over the last year and looking at the current makeup of the party I came up with a potential new character that I thought would be fun to play and would fill a gap in the party. The story arc at the moment presents a way for my monk to bow out in a way that is very in keeping with the story and would allow space for this new character to join the party. I ran this idea by our DM and she was happy with the character and the idea so it left me mulling over whether or not change things up.

Then a bit out of the blue our DM suggested that because of all the changes in characters we should bring this adventure to an end and start a new adventure with new characters. All in the same setting we are currently playing in just coming at things from a different direction. The upshot of this was that several of the players were happy with their characters and didn’t want to start to afresh so it looked like the group was going to break up. This coming on the back of me suggesting I change my character left me feeling like I had broken everything up so what could I do about it. The world and the big plot that our DM has crafted for us is really good and I thought that whilst most of the original characters have changed it still works.

What followed was a bit of a drawn out discussion on WhatsApp. For me the main thing with D&D and for that matter any other game that I play is spending time with friends doing things we all enjoy. So regardless of how we ended up progressing things the key for me was that we all stayed together as group of friends. Now don’t get me wrong it wouldn’t mean that we would never speak to each other again it was only that we wouldn’t be playing this game together. But it was important to me to try and come with something that worked for everyone so our little group, regardless of character could carry on. We’ve all shared a lot of laughs along the way and that’s the most important thing for me. Anyway all that waffle out of the way I think we have all agreed that everyone is going to carry on as they are and that we will just make the new character dynamics work and carry the story forward. I’m not sure if my character is going to change or not and I think that will be down to how the story progresses over the next week or two. We have another session planned for tomorrow so hopefully that will get us all on the same page again with the story moving along.

And that’s it for this week. I hope you all have a good weekend an I’m going to spend the afternoon hiding behind the settee hoping that England can win in Cardiff. This may also involve a couple of beverages, just to calm the nerves. Then I will be cracking on with the Warboss. So have a great week and I hope to catch you all again next Saturday.

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