This week has been something of a mixed bag for me in that I’ve not got a lot of work done on the Kill Team, and by not a lot I think I’ve only done one piece of highlighting on one model so really haven’t made a lot of progress. Mainly because I’ve not being feeling the mojo this week. But have been doing a bit of work on a couple of D&D related models along with quite a lot of work on alternative D&D characters.
So on the D&D front we had a game on Saturday and we now find ourselves in a bit of dilemma. Al’s character had a bit of misunderstanding with someone that resulted in him cutting his head off and trying to drink his blood. Unfortunately, he was injured in the process and the local militia have been using this to scry him so they are aware he is with us and things were coming to a head. We arrived at a town called Red Hall were we have visited before and were told the militia were hot on our heels so were left with the option of running or waiting and facing our fate. Being a good character I said I was going to stay and clear things up but what we did do was to get Orrakk (Al’s character) to sneak out of town and that we would meet him on the road in a few days. So he has now gone and the local militia have turned to find him and question us and that is where we left things on Saturday. My dilemma here is that my character wants to try and save Orrakk as he thinks there’s a good guy in there somewhere and he just needs someone to act as his conscience. But on the other hand he can’t outright lie to the militia and he is not going to fight them if they try to arrest him. So what does he do, and you will be pleased to know you don’t have wait until next week to find out as we managed to fit a session in last night. But more on that later.
With all this going on it got me thinking that there was a good chance my character could end up out of the game and that it was time to think of writing up a stand by. But I don’t know if that has been a good thing or not so stand by for a bit of D&D waffle. I really like the character I have at the moment, he fits the party well and generally acts as something of a moral compass. He’s had a personal quest that led the party early on and now he’s sitting back and letting others decide where we go. I know how to play him and I think he’s different enough that I want him to keep going. plus he’s one of only three characters that have survived since day one of this campaign. But and this is a big but, with the prospect of him being forced out of the game I’ve been looking at other character ideas and I’ve got a lot more experience now so I can see how other things could work.
All of this has led me to write up a couple of new characters, all for a Dwarf and all sharing the same background up to a single point where it diverges to give a few different options. I’d been playing around with one of them for a while as I came across a miniature from Black Chapel miniatures of an axe throwing Dwarf. I ordered it because it was cool model rather than thinking it would be a replacement character but for a bit of fun I drafted up a couple of characters to match the model. One a Ranger and one a Fighter. Doing these got me thinking about other ways of building a character and to got me back onto a conversation I’d had with Pete about making a Bard who was a story teller rather than your typical singer or musician. The more I thought about this the more I got to thinking it would fit the background I had for the fighter although it wouldn’t work for the model. Step in Black Chapel to the rescue. I had ordered the Dwarf fighter between Christmas and new year so wasn’t expect a quick delivery and wasn’t really bothered when it would turn up. About a week ago I got an e-mail from them apologising for the late delivery and saying they had now dispatched it with a little extra for waiting so long. Now I didn’t think I had waited that long but hay-ho. So the package arrives and it has two miniatures in there, the fighter I had ordered and another Dwarf that would be absolutely spot on for the bard character idea. Now this is why I haven’t been working on the Kill Team because I’ve been busy with these guys.
I’ve really enjoyed painting these and I’m certainly going to be picking up a few more from the same range. I’ve no actual use for the others but I’ve enjoyed these that much I want to paint more of them. I’m also really happy with how the bases have turned out. I did take some WIP pictures as I was going so I will share them in a sperate post but they are made from a piece of cork that was just cut to match the base and then I cut out some sections to give everything a bit of texture. The water effect could be better as I thin it’s a bit to blue but it’s something new so your not going to get right first time.
Now you’ve seen the potential new character but did last nights session result in me having to use him. The answer to that is no. We managed to convince the militia that we weren’t involved in the murder through some genius equivocation and it was looking like we could be on our way. Until Hoppilpick, our parties wizard then went and told the militia captain that we had know what Orrakk had done all along and that he had convinced us not to turn back. He had a rethink and decided that as we hadn’t been involved in the actual murder we weren’t going to jail but we were now persona none grata in Roads Meet. He also took two thousand gold from our group stash as reparations to the apothecary’s family.
All things considered that wasn’t a bad outcome but with all of our gold now on the road in front of the tavern a red dragon decided it had more claim to it than we did and attacked the party. Some of our party were foolish enough to try and fight it which resulted in all of the militia being killed and about half of our party being injured. In fairness they did quite a bit of damage to it up to the point that it took to the air and just decided to burn everything until we cleared the area so it could come back down and take the gold. The end result is that part of the town has been burnt down, our cart has been badly burned and we have all had a kicking so we just need to have a rest now an decide what to do next. But it looks like that is not going happen because the dead are not starting to rise. And that is where things ended for this week with the next session planned for next Saturday.
With a all of that covered I’m going to bring things to an end for this week. I’m going to try and get some more work done on the kill team this week but I’ve also got an idea for a bit of hobby tutorial. As I said earlier I really enjoyed making the bases for the dwarves so I’m thinking of making up a few more but with step by step pictures and instructions to go along with them . So until next week I hope you have a really good week and that I will see you all again next time.