Weekly Waffle #165

No game night this week which is happen as well as I’ve needed the time to sort out all the final bits and pieces ahead of next week’s little jaunt across the pond. Well to be precise it actually starts tomorrow but that was just so that we could save some money on the train fair. I think I’ve touched on this already but it was going to cost us nearly three hundred pounds for a train ticket to take us three hundred and fifty miles on a Monday morning. The same journey on the way home a week later but on a Tuesday afternoon is costing just twenty three pounds. Must be down the vagaries of traveling through the warp or something like that. Anyway my bags are packed and I think I’m ready to go.

On the hobby front I’ve been working on Jynz again this week and I’m now as happy as I’m going to be with him. I keep looking back at it and finding faults but I’ve decided to leave it as it is. That is mainly because I either don’t know how to fix them or I think that in trying to fix them I will mess something else up. Overall I’m really happy with how this has turned out and it’s been a real eye opener to paint something at a different scale that isn’t going to find its way into a game of any sort.




I’ve made quite a few notes whilst I’ve been painting this guy and I’m going to take them along with me to the hobby seminars I’ve got booked whilst at Adepticon with the aim of trying to learn how to fix the issues I’ve come across. Whilst there is a lot I would like to learn, I think the two things that would be of real benefit and would do the most in moving my painting along would be learning about painting effective black and white. Which I find much harder than it sounds as I just end up with a very uninspiring grey. The other is to try and get a better feel for thinning my paints and blending. Quite a large vague statement but I think that to be able to blend you need to have thin paints and getting the balance between too thin and too thick is something I need some help with. Its one thing to watch someone show you on a video but I find it much easier to learn if you are actually trying it with someone there to point you right direction.

I’ve also spent a bit of time to add a few weapons onto some cars I’ve been weathering for Gas Lands. They aren’t the best examples but they are certainly fit for purpose and it will be good get a few games in and with a bit of look introduce some new people to the game. Even though I’m new to it it’s easy to pick up and great fun to play.

I’m also going to take along some Dystopian Wars and I’ve managed to get base up 750 point of Russian Coalition although I am still waiting for the Vallejo Water Effects that I used to fully cure so that I can add some white to the top of the waves. That will be another last minute thing I need to do later today Next up will be around 100 points worth of X-wing although I haven’t decided exactly what yet, but the Outrider will be in there. Then last but by no means least will be some Confederates for Wild West Exodus. I’ve not pulled all these together yet so what I will do is get some pictures today of everything I’m taking and then I’ll put them in another Road to Adepticon post for you, probably on Monday just before we set off.

A reasonably short, although quite picture rich, update this week but I wanted to concentrate on getting things ready and also to clear a bit of space of my work station as there is a vague possibility that I may come back with a couple of new projects. Ok who am I trying to kid, I’m going to come back with loads of stuff that will probably sit I a box for ages but I want to at least give myself a chance of painting some of it when I get back. As I’m not going to be around next week I’ve planned a bit of socking filler for you next Saturday so there will be waffle on Saturday as normal it just won’t be as live as normal. If you keep an eye on the twitter feed I’m hoping to get updates on there, Wi-Fi connection depending throughout the event and possibly some more structured updates on the site in the evening. If things get carried away and I don’t mange any updates it will just mean you get some bumper content when I return. I’ve also been in touch with Greg (twitter name) so it will be good to catch up with him again in person. The true power of social media where you meet someone on line and then actually get the chance to meet them in person. We first met Greg last time we were at Adepticon so it will be good to catch up with him again. So until next week have fun.

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