Weekly Waffle #74

This week’s update is a little bit on the thin side due to a combination of work and good weather and when you live in a damp grey cotton town you tend to make the most of the good weather. There was no game night for me again this week because of the afore mentioned work which has meant that I have been away from home all week. I was planning to take my Wild West Exodus Confederates with me so that I could prep them ready for painting but I messed up and ended up leaving them at home. So no painting or hobby whilst I’ve been away.

But I guess the thing you all really want to know is have the Brewers been for a swim in some paint stripper or are they now wearing new shiny tartan cloths. We the answer is…..neither. I spent some time last weekend painting up some scraps of plasticard to practice on, but none of the test pieces turned out how I wanted them to. I think I managed to get to grips with the actual technique but I just couldn’t find a colour combination that I was happy with. So it’s going to take a little longer than I had originally planned. But on the plus side now that I have them in state where they can be used I can let Pete use them to see if the Brewers really are the team for him. And hopefully get another convert to the game, so it’s not all bad news.

Whilst we are on the topic of Guild Ball the post man turned up this week with another package from Steamforged Games. Nothing to exciting this week but I think like all gamers I have a bit of a thing for dice so I ordered these show dice.


And whilst I was on the site I just happened to notice that the ‘Locker Room’ was open so I had a bit of look and managed to pick up this alternate ‘Flint’ sculpt for the Masons. And if the weather is as bad as it has been forecast for this weekend I may well get some work done on him.


The only other thing I’ve manged to get done this week is to paint up some of the plastic bases for Wild West Exodus. I got models in the pipe line for these and I think that when the models are added they should look quite nice.


And that’s it for this week. I know it’s been a short one but I will mark myself as must do better for next week. Have a good week and hope to see you all again next week.


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