Well where to start this week. I got home from AdeptiCon 2016 on Tuesday and spent the day getting all those boring washing and ironing jobs out of the way whilst at the same time trying to stay awake and to beat the jet lag. I think that by time I want to bed on Tuesday I’d been up for something like thirty two hours. Then when the alarm went off on Wednesday I go got myself up straight away and that was it jet lag defeated.
Obviously with all this travel we didn’t have a game nigh this week and I’ve done a separate update for AdeptiCon. But what I would say here is that it was a fantastic even and I loved every minute of it. I’ve learned a lot from the experience that I’m hoping I can use in future projects and I also came home with a couple of new airbrushes and a host of new minis. So all in all a good experience.
On the hobby front I had a bunch of new miniatures and a couple of new airbrushes that was just itching to use. So I picked out the Reaper Hill Giant Krug as test piece, and he will also be used as challenge for a Frostgrave crew to face. Then armed with a couple of images I had taken of a display piece on the Reaper stand I go work. My plan was to use the airbrush to do all of the skin tones and then to switch to a normal brush for the rest of the model. I tried no to get to carried away with the number of colours I was using and to really just stick to different shades of brown and I’m really please with the way things turned out. To add a little more character to the base I added some Tamiya diorama texture paint powder snow effect. My plan I is transfer the model to a more scenic base, once it arrives, but for now I this will will do.
Overall I’m really happy with how this came out and despite the fact that the whole thing only took a few hours to complete I think it is one of the best paint jobs I have done to date. Amazing what at bit of inspiration can do for you.
That’s it for this week but I’m hoping to get back to normal service for next weeks update so what can you expect from that. Well I’ve got the Vengeance Guild Ball event coming up in May so me and Al are going to try and get some practice games in before then so I will give you an update on how that its going. On the hobby front I’m going to try and get Tenderiser finished for my Guild Ball Butchers team. Then I’m going to start painting the minis I picked up at AdeptiCon which will form my new Frostgreave crew and finally I’ll the get the Batman minis I started before Adepticon finished off an based. So all in all quite I bit to be getting on with .
Have a good weekend and hope to see you all again next week.