I think I’m still suffering from something of a new year hobby hangover and haven’t managed to get a great deal done this week. In my defence I have been suffering from man flue and have spent most of the week curled up in my chair with a cup of tea and a chocolate hobnob or five. But towards the end of the week I started to feel a bit better and did manage get in a token bit of hobby time.
That token hobby time was spent trying to make a bit of progress with my Wild West Exodus Rangers. I don’t know what it is with these guys, because I rally like the models, but I’m just not feeling it at the moment. But I’ve managed to paint up most of the metallic sections and I’ve now made a start on painting in the leather sections. At this stage I’m only interested in getting the base colour down so that I can get a better feel for the overall colour scheme before I start work on the shading and highlighting.
I’ve also remembered how I did the bases for my existing minis, well actually I just looked back at the painting guide to see how I did it. I ended up making a few tweaks to the colours and also added a bit of Vallejo snow that gives the same feel of fine sand when painted up.
Also this week our trip to Adepticon has been finalised when Darren booked the flights for us all. I did a short update during the week about this but I thought it was worth saying again that there is nothing like parting with a lot of money to make things feel real. So everything is now booked and I can now think about a count down. I’ll do another update before we set off and I’m also looking at different ways to do some updates from the event itself.
I may have to re-think some of my plans for projects later in the year because I will be starting a new job in February. Same company and it’s only for the next twelve months but will mean a lot of traveling. So I don’t think I will get a much hobby time but I’m still going to make sure I get some things done. And with a bit of luck it might be good for content because I will need to think of ways to make the most use of the time which I can then share with you. I will see how things pan out but regardless of how busy I am I will still time find time of my hobby and I will still be doing these waffles on a weekly basis.
So that’s it for this week. Have a good weekend and see you all next week.