A bit of quite week this week. No traveling for work which was a nice change and then no gaming club this week, so lots of time for hobby so that’s the only update for this week. I think that the mojo is starting to come back as I managed to get quite a lot of work done on the Masons. I know I said I was hoping to have them finished for today but I couldn’t quite manage that. But they aren’t far off. It’s just a case now of going over them and finishing off some the details and making sure I haven’t missed anything. But considering how much I have been struggling over the last month or so I’m happy with where they are.
The observant amongst you will notice that they are a man down at the moment, well a mascot down. I’ve made a start on Marbles but i’ve still got more work to do on him so that is one you will need to wait for next week to get a look at. But this time I really will have them done for next week.
I’ve still go a few waifs and strays to finish off for the other guilds and then I need to think about getting hold of the Engineers to round out my collection. So lots more Guild Ball to come.
Well I know it’s a short one this week but it’s just been one of those weeks where theres not a lot to tell you about. So until next week and have a good weekend and enjoy your gaming.