Weekly Waffle #243

Now then it’s been a few weeks since my last update but unlike following previous gaps in service I’m not going to apologise for this one. It’s been down to the fact that I’m in new relationship and I’ve been putting my time into that and not the hobby. And that doesn’t read very well at all, but essentially I’m in a really happy place at the moment and the hobby has taken a bit of back seat whilst I got here. But now that we have got over that giddy start and things are settling down I’m starting to fit the hobby back in. It may not get back to the old levels but it is still a significant part of me so it will be continuing. And yes she knows I’m a geek that plays with toy soldiers so no issues there, although I don’t think she realises just how serious my addiction is. But I can cross that bridge when we come to it. So there we go that’s why I’ve been away for a while and I’m back this week with a modest update and a challenging bag of bits sitting on my desk.

So since the last update I’ve not spent a great deal of time on anything but I am starting to make some progress on my Cypher Lords for War Cry. This is partly because I’m being bullied into getting them into a You Tube battle report for the club’s channel. For those of you who may not have seen it I’ll give a very unapologetic plug here for Red Rose Wargaming. It’s an old channel that has been revived and we are looking to add more diverse content, but that is dependent on actually getting projects completed so they can be used. So no pressure there then. Anna who runs the channel and does all of the fantastic production is laying down the law for me to get these finished or else. So I do need to pick up the pace.

I have made some good progress but there just seems to be so much to do. With the exception of a couple of the headdresses, which I’ve found the hardest to paint, everything has at least as base colour on it. But other parts are further along and I’m hoping that things will pick up as I start to add the highlights. All of the bases are also done but I want to get a bit more work finished with them as they are before mounting them. When I do get them on the base that will be another big boost as they will be that much closer to being ready to go.


We don’t have a game night this week so that gives me a bit of extra time to try and get them finished and ready for their first appearance on camera. Although I don’t know if I’m feeling up to appearing there with them. I’ve not actually played War Cry so it could be a bit daunting making my You Tube debut in a battle report for a game I don’t know how to play. But how to play may be an option.

Also this week Pete has presented me with a challenge that I a straining at the bit to get started, but I’m going to finish the Cypher Lords first. He has given me a bag of resin bits, in various colours with the challenge to put them together in the correct order and build something. But there are no instructions, all I know is that it is something Orky. Which in reality means I can put them together in any order and call it whatever I like.


The key thing here though is that these particular resin bits haven’t turned up via the post or from a shop but have in fact been printed by Pete. He kept thing quite but he has picked up a small liquid resin printer, and I know that’s not the technical term but I can’t actually remember what it’s called. Then he’s been playing around a variety of stl. files and this is part of what he’s created. Now obviously the wheels are something of a giveaway but I have been given free rein to put it together as I see fit. I thing that will mean it goes together in one way but there is always room for a little bit of hot-rodding along the way.

It’s going to sit on desk for a couple of weeks until the Cypher Lords are done but I already have a few ideas about how this will turn out. The bit’s box will come into play and I think I can come up with something that will make Pete happy. Although he will then need to paint it and I’m sure there will be more creations on the way now that he’s beginning to get to grips with the process. I can see my ideas book coming back out, ‘can you make something like this’, so watch this space to see how thing progress.

That’s it for this and I’ll say now that I’m not sure if there will be an update next week or whether they may be every two weeks for a little while. Don’t want to put any pressure on myself when I’m in such a happy place at the moment. But I am back on the hobby path and will be plodding away to get the Cypher Lords completed and the ork contraption under way. So until next time I hope you all have a fantastic and please do keep checking back for the next update.

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