Weekly Waffle #289

It’s been some time since my last update, in fact I think it’s the longest break I have had from the site since I started. Over the last couple of months my mojo has just dropped off a cliff face and I haven’t even picked up a brush, let alone put paint on it and got it anywhere need a model. Can’t really say why this is but I think like a lot of people the sheer monotony of the last year has just caught up with me and I just haven’t had the motivation to do anything. It’s a selfish way to be considering a lot of people have had it lot worse than me but sometimes when you find yourself in a rut it’s hard to find you way out of there.

With a potential end to our current lock down in sight and potential to be able to see friends and get some games in I’ve tried to get my mojo moving again. One of the things that has got me moving again has been the suggestion of an Age of Sigmar army building campaign. Now I’ve not been that interested in AOS up until now but this seems like a good way to give it a go. When I looked at the different army options I really like the look of the Ossiarch Bonereapers. I have no idea how they play, but I don’t know how AOS plays so it’s not a big deal. But I do really like the look of the models and that for me is more important, if I don’t like the look of something then there is no way that I’m going to be able to spend time painting it. With these guys had an idea for a colour scheme and I didn’t think it would be too hard to paint them up to decent table top standard. Whilst I’m getting my mojo back I didn’t want something that would bog me down. A mixture of contrast paints and dry brushing should be able to give a nice looking army in not a great deal of time. Then a bit of work on some the key areas and I should be good to go.

Anyway the only way to check all this out was to get some minis and give things a go. So this week I’ve picked up the paints again and painted up a box of Mortek Guard as I think whatever form my army takes it’s going to need some of these guys. There are twenty minis in the box and I’ve made half of them up with spears and the other half with swords. Mixing things up may not be the best thing when it comes to building the army as these will need to be in separate squads but the simple way to resolve this would be to get another box and make them up and the same way to get twenty models for each squad.

There are a few bits that could be touched up to make things better but I didn’t want to spend a lot of time on them at this stage. Overall I like how they have turned out and will look at picking up a few more models so I have something ready to go when we can finally get round to meeting up of a game again.

That’s it for this week and I’m happy that I’ve managed to get my mojo moving again. It may only be on a low setting at the moment but I’m going to try and keep things ticking over for a while. So until next week I hope you all have a good weekend, and it’s a bank holiday weekend for those of here in the UK, and hope to catch you all again next weekend.

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