Weekly Waffle 270

It’s been a very busy week in the none hobby world this week so I haven’t managed to get in quite as much hobby time as I would like. Having said that I have been doing some planning and have my next couple of projects lined up with most of the parts to hand so things certainly aren’t slowing down. On the new project front I have the Def Kopters I talked about last week which will be piloted by gorts in keeping with my view that grots are going to take over the universe. The other project is going to be something of a sequel where I revisit an old project that I really enjoyed but think I could make better. I know that is a risk but I have a good feeling about it and think I can do a good job of it. I’m not going to say what it is just yet, so you will just have to keep popping back to see what it is.

For this week all I’ve done is to get some paint onto the Grot Recovery Vehicle / Deff Dread. To be fair to myself I’ve actually got quite a lot of paint onto it with it being about eighty percent complete. I still have the close combat arms to do and there are few details that need to be finished off along with all of the weathering but all in I’m happy with the work is progressing.

Now whilst I’m happy with how the painting is going I have to say I’m not too sue about the conversion as a whole, or more accurately I’m not sure if it actually looks fast enough. I know it’s something of a contradiction to have a fast Dreadnought but in a speed freak army it needs to have an appearance of being fast. By adding some of the bits used on the trukks such as the air intake and the exhaust so I think it fits in with the feel but. And it’s that but that keeps nagging away at me. I’ve still got a way to go on it so I’ll see I feel when it’s done and if nothing else I’ve enjoyed making it which is what it’s all about for me.

That’s it for this week, I hope you are all keeping yourselves safe and that you have a really good week whatever you are doing. So until next week have a good one and hope to catch you all again next Saturday.

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