Weekly Waffle #203

I’m going to kick off this week with something that’s been missing for the last few weeks and that is a gaming update. You heard it I actually managed to get some gaming in this week. Well it was actually last week but in the world according to the weekly waffle schedule it was this week. I’m confusing myself now so I’ll get on with it. On Sunday we managed to get together for a spot of D&D continuing our adventure and things are getting darker by the day, literally. We managed to complete our contract for the hunter’s hall with everyone intact but one of our party has done a runner, stealing a lot of the gold we procured recently. In the real world he’s gone back to sea but in our adventure he’s branded us as unworthy and run off pretending to be a hero. Now we weren’t too happy with this but not being a group who holds a grudge we aren’t going to seek revenge, or anything like that, but we do feel it’s our moral obligation to let everyone we meet know what a deceitful character Harrion the Green really is.

Over the last few days, that’s game time, the days have been getting darker and darker and this darkness seems to be creeping across the land from the east. Now considering it’s spring at the moment and things should be getting lighter this isn’t a good omen. This is coupled with reports of a disease called the ‘shadow’ spreading across the land, and we had to visit one of the towns it had struck. It’s a place called Well and we’ve been there before, but this time we needed to investigate its famed well to try and establish if it really is a portal to the fay realms or not. To do this we lowered Hop down in a bucket, after tying a rope round him for safety of course. The top and bottom of it was that it was actually a portal and Hop did disappear through it, but we managed to get him back.

Whilst this was going on a few others were searching what remained of the town and discovered Drow footprints all over the place. There was also a body that hadn’t been burned with a note saying it was the Drow who had killed everyone and not the Shadows. With Hop back and nothing else for us there we got back on the road and are heading for a place called Red Hall. So no fighting, no one killed or injured but lots of trying to puzzle out what was actually going on in the world made for a really good session. Looking forward to the next one.

On the hobby front I’ve been trying to juggle time around some stupid testing schedules at work so I’ve had a change of focus this week. I know I said I was going to try and the details finished on the main fuselage of the bomber but I’ve not. I have done the tail and about fifty percent of the fuselage though. But because everything has been very piece meal this week I’ve also been working on the ordnance for it. Mainly because it’s easier to put down without forgetting where you have got to. I’ve also had some fun trying to come up with different designs and messages to write on the bombs. So every bomb has its own message and the big bombs also have their own designs, I like the face best.


Another little detail I managed to get done was the swirl on the nose, which to be fair isn’t the neatest, but I still like it. With that painted I’ve been able to glue the shroud in place along with the skid plate that fits under it.



Overall I think that has been quite a productive week and I’m still going to try and press on to get things finished for next week. I’ve a busy week so I may not make but that’s what I’m aiming for. Who knows if it’s not done for the next waffle it may give me a chance to a sneak update before Christmas. That’s it for now. Hope you all have a good week and look forward to catching you all again next week.


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