So this week I’ve found myself in something akin to the gaming doldrums, that’s not because I’ve lost my mojo, far from it, it’s just that work has once again go in the way. So no game night for me this week being stuck in a hotel in sunny Sunderland. I did plan to try and get some hobby in by taking some minis with me to clean up and build so that I can get some painting done this weekend. But I didn’t manage to get as much done as I would have liked. I spent most of my evenings, not in the bar but having do more work so that I would be ready for the next day. The up side to that though is when I’m back up there in a couple of weeks I will have all the material I need, so no excuse not to get some hobby in or spend some time at the bar. Preferably in that order unless I want to have a real disaster on my hands.
Now whilst I didn’t manage to get as much hobby done as I would have liked I did manage to build up a couple of Coryphee and half of the Smoke and Mirrors box for the Arcanists. I’ve had these ladies for quite some time but just haven’t got round to making a start on them. My thinking for doing them now it that it’s a nice change from black Space Marines. I’ve still got a four more to build I plan to get them all built before I start to paint.
I’m not on the road this week so I’ll need to check with Al if he’s about for game night but even if I don’t get any gaming in I should have a bit more time to get some painting. So probably the shortest waffle I’ve done to date but please be reassured it’s the beginning of the end type of thing. It’s just that like everyone else life sometimes unfairly gets in the way of hobby time but it won’t last for every. Have a good weekend and hope to catch you all again next week with a bit more content for you.