Weekly Waffle #296
27th August 2022
It feels like I’ve started every post over the last twelve months or so with an apology because the updates have been anything over than weekly but I’m hoping this will be the last one. But I can hear you all saying is going to be different this time and the answer to that is simple. Game night is back on. I’ve always been someone who is happy to lock themselves away and just plod along with things but I don’t think think I’ve ever really appreciated just how much of a social animal I really am. There is just something about getting together again and talking rubbish whilst rolling dice that just adds a little something extra to my hobby mojo. I know I’m not going to have as much hobby time as I did pre pandemic but I’m going to try and make the time work for me a bit better. To me that means focusing on a limited number of projects and try to get some games in with the things I’m painting. Or more realistically with some of the things I’m painting and I say that because one of the projects is much more long term and I’m not going to wait for that to come to fruition before getting a game in.
Now I’d set my mind to getting more hobby time in and equally as important I was committed to making sure I spent some time putting content together for the site. That was when I ran into my first hurdle and it turned out that it like one of those the horses jump over at the Grand National. The website completely died to the point that I had no way of accessing it and even a lot of hosting didn’t seem to be working correctly. So I’ve spent quite a bit of time with the tech support from my hosting provider trying to get things resolved. This isn’t the fastest process in the world, mainly because this is only a hobby site and I went for the basic support, which is good but not supper quick. Anyway the long and short of it has been that the site has been off the air for a few weeks but has now had a complete rebuild, at the back end, and it is now back up and working. What I am pleased to say is that it was a hosting issue and not something I’d done so I’m happy with that.
On the hobby front I have two projects on the go at the moment. One is a full army build which is going to take quite some time to complete and the other is a faction build for Carnevale which is a much smaller build. Both of these projects are going to get a series of there own articles but I’ll give an overview of both of these projects here.
The first project I started was on the back of GW releasing the Horus Heresy game. A few of the club are already starting new armies but I didn’t fancy doing marines again so decided to roll the dice in the hope that new factions will be available in the future. Specifically that Ad Mech will find there way into the game as they did form a major part of the Heresy. I liked the idea of doing something a bit different and it looked like there would be lots of options for kitbashing something a bit different. My plan was to start with some Skitarii which I could also use for Kill Team so that even if things don’t go my way on the rules front I still have a use for the minis. I had also decided to try and go with a grim dark style which isn’t something I have done before. Then in a worst case scenario if there are no rules to support them in the Heresy game and I don’t want to use them in 40K I will have learned some new painting techniques and they may well end up on eBay. But that is some way off yet, for now I have two units of Skitarii for you to have a look at and more in the pipe line.
The other project immediately breaks my commitment to at least try and finish the previous one before starting something new. Although there is much more chance of me finishing this one in a sensible time frame. That first game night I watched a game of Carnevale and despite my best efforts I was hooked. Al has a wealth of scenery, which is really needed, but when it’s there it takes the game to a whole new level. I really enjoyed watching the game and I’ve liked the models for a long time, I’ve even painted a few either as D&D characters or just because I liked them. Looking at the different factions I decided to go for the Guild because I liked the available minis the best and thought they would be good to paint. They also fit well with what everyone else is painting and playing as none of them are using the Guild at the moment.
Now I didn’t want to get to carried away so I picked up the Dockworkers starter box which gives enough minis for a game and at the same time picked up some Gondoliers to fill out the model count a bit. Eight models is only like painting a squad so not over facing and shouldn’t take too long to complete. There is a nice mix of characters in the box set so it’s not a case of just painting the same colours in each mini but I did want them to all have something that would tie them together so I didn’t go to crazy with the colours and tried to keep them as close as was easy to the box art. I also decided to do a lot of the work with contrast paints with the aim being to get a nice table top finish to everything without spending to much time on any one model. I think a lot of the time I try to paint everything as if I’m entering a painting competition and I get frustrated with myself when things don’t turn out the way I want, and things never get finished. So I set my sites on these being painted to a nice table top standard and that will be it but to give them a little bit of lift when I ordered the models I also ordered some of the cobbled bases that TT Combat do so that will all have a nice base that really ties in with the streets of Venice. Progress has been good so far but i still have the details to finish off before I will feel happy putting them on the table.
That is all I have for this week except to set out a little bit of plan for the future. I’m going to keep the weekly waffle but it may turn out to be a bit more bi weekly to start with because I’m away for a few days next weekend for a city break for a birthday celebration. But then I’ll be back to plodding away with things so I should be able to produce some musings for another update. Until then it’s good to be back and hope you enjoy the update, and if you do then I hope you find your way back for more updates.