Weekly Waffle #283

This week I’ve had two hobby projects on the go and with the start of the Six Nations rugby again last weekend my hobby time has been reduced a little bit. For me it’s been a welcome fix of live international rugby which invariably involves drinking beer, in this instance a selection from Tiny Rebel. Especially given England’s performance. The result of this is that last weekend wasn’t the most productive on the hobby front. But it doesn’t mean that the rest of the week hasn’t been productive.

For your delectation this week I have been back to Renascence Europe, specifically Venice for a bit of action. I’ve had my eye on the Carnevale models from TT Combat for quite some time now as they remind me a lot of Malifaux which I really like. I’ve never played Carnevale and have no idea how it actually plays but I do like the miniatures. So I’ve taken the plunge and picked a couple up, which is what I’ve been working on this week. Both are from different factions but I just liked them and as it was more about the hobby than starting a new game it didn’t really matter to me.

First up we have the Plague Doctor, which I though was rather fitting given our current circumstances. If it just had the big coat and the hat I think it would be a really good model but add in the plague mask, that I think looks very sinister and you have a really good model. A bit of a waffle here but the big nose on the plague mask was originally to put scented items in such as flowers or herbs to keep the plague smells away. As the belief was that it was the smell that carried the disease. Anyway back to the mini. I’ve gone with dark colours because I think they suite this very well and added some dark brown for the leather to act as bit of a contrast. Add in the white for the mask which for me gives it a bit of focus. The base is curtesy of Scibor Miniatures

The second miniature is from a different faction, although I can’t tell you which one and is the Rialto Assassin. I don’t know anything about the character but it has a nice dynamic pose, which should have had his left foot on a pole which I lost. Hood up, mask on and throwing a dagger. I could imagine him lurking in the shadows of a Venetian street waiting to strike at an unsuspecting victim before disappearing back into the shadows. Having painted the doctor in the dark colours I wanted to do something a bit different here so went more natural colours which I like on this guy. To my mind he could just blend in as a traveller, well without the mask and all the blades he could.

I’ve enjoyed painting these guys so I may have to look at picking up either more of these or something similar from other sources. Whilst I’m not getting a great deal completed in volume I’m keeping busy and keeping the mojo flowing. Mixing things up with a bit of Lego building and the hobby mojo is running along at a nice even keel. I’ve got a few really busy weeks coming up at work so I need to be careful that I don’t let that take over my world and that I still make time to get some hobby time in. So if things get really busy then I will look to try and finish off the Atlantis Miniature models that don’t actually need a lot of work on them so that I have something to share with you. If time permits, then I’ll look at starting something new and whittling down so of that pile of projects in waiting. Either way I’m going to make sure I do have an update for you all. Until then I hope you all stay safe, look out for each other and I will catch up with you all again next week.

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