Weekly Waffle #242

A slow but enjoyable week this week. It started, or more accurately last week ended, with our first D&D session for what feels like an age. Things were a bit slow to start with whilst we were getting back in to the groove and having lost two characters last time out there were a couple of new characters to be introduced to the party. Things started quite well for use with a clear objective in front of us and our decision making was made simple because we were up against a hard deadline so had to keep things moving.

With our goal in site we encountered something like the scarabs we have had a previous run in with so we were being cautious and burning our way through the we webs they leave. We thought we were doing ok but our DM had other ideas and things made a turn for the worse. So Hop reverted what we have now christened the Whisky manoeuvre, where he polymorph’s me into a juvenile dragon and fly everyone to safety. Now the first part of worked and got everyone into the air and safe. I was then instructed to head for a landing on top of a tower in the centre of an abandoned city which was essentially a short cut to our final destination, and I use that phrase deliberately. As I was sweeping in for what I’m going to describe as a landing in a hot LZ things took a turn for the worse. About thirty feed from landing I was suddenly no longer a dragon and we were falling through the air in what to an observer wouldn’t have been a gracefully and that’s where the session ended. But we don’t have a session this week so I’m going to leave you on a cliff edge to find out what happens next. We all plummet to our deaths and have to roll new characters or we come up with some amazing recovery.

I’ve made a start painting one of the Thunderbolt just to get an idea for what I want to do. I’ve also taken the opportunity to try some different paints and I’ve got mixed feelings about the results. Overall I’m quite happy with the overall feel of the model but I’m not to enthused about the new paints. They are a bit glossy and didn’t go on quite as well as I was expecting. Having said that the grey / blue is something I like and when it’s mixed with the yellow on the trim and the pale blow on the lower part of the hull I like the feel. I’ve still got a way to go with this one but I think this is the style I will go with but I may change back to my trusty Vallejo colours as I like how they work. Or I’m just more familiar with them and they suite my style. Either way I know where I’m going with the colours so things should be easier when I come to start painting in earnest.


I’ve also had some more inspiration for how I want to paint my Corvas Cabal which will keep the feathers the same as I was planning but has some brighter colours for the clothing. I’ll find a credit for the person on Twitter who has inspired me once I make a start but I think the two ideas will be a good combination.

And that’s it for this week. Again I’m not thinking I will get much work done this weekend. I’m going to a leaving do tonight and as I’m typing this I’m watching the England New Zealand rugby world cup final. It’s half time and England have a slender lead so by lunch time I’m either going to be celebrating a historic win or commiserating being beaten by arguably the best rugby nation every. Either way I’m sure a few beers will be involved and painting whilst under the influence is never a good idea. So until next week I hope you all have a great time whatever you are doing and hope to see you all again next Saturday.

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